Donations from eighth-graders, a Lincoln couple, and the estate of Harriet Todd will allow the School Building Committee to add back some of the items that were cut earlier this spring but not restored by the recent Town Meeting vote. Robert and Jaquelin Apsler have donated $32,328 to pay for concrete walkways behind the refurbished…
Planning Board candidates reflect on election result
The candidates in the hard-fought Planning Board race had gracious words for each other and said the election was a good experience for the town, even though it became contentious at times. “I’d like to congratulate Lynn [DeLisi] and Rick [Rundell] for a good campaign that stuck to the issues,” said Bob Domnitz, who will…
News acorns
Pop-up testing sites for Covid-19 The state Department of Public Health is offering free Covid-19 testing at various locations on June 17 and 18 for people who have recently been in a large group setting such as a protest. Click here for more information and locations. The sites closest to Lincoln are in Cambridge and…
Library adapts and expands services during pandemic
By Lucy Maulsby A brightly colored banner sponsored by the Friends of the Lincoln Library hangs across the porch of the original brick building to remind patrons of the many ways in which the library nourishes the community and serves as a vital resource, perhaps especially as current events demand new forms of engagement. Since…
Rundell is out and Domnitz back on Planning Board
In a very close race for Planning Board, incumbent Lynn DeLisi and challenger Bob Domnitz won the two open seats, ousting Rick Rundell, who has been on the board since 2012. Domnitz previously served on the board from 2003–15 but himself was beaten by Gary Taylor in 2015 by a margin of 481-441 (see table…
Police log for June 1–8, 2020
June 1 Concord Road (12:37 p.m.) — DPW requested assistance for an officer to stand by Rte. 126 at the railroad bridge while they remove a tree. June 2 Story Drive (2:00 p.m.) — Party reported being harassed online. The matter is being investigated. Harvest Circle (3:03 p.m.) — Caller complained that a dog is…
My Turn: Pulling together for Town Meeting and beyond
Editor’s note: These are the opening and closing remarks delivered at the June 13 Town Meeting by Town Moderator Sarah Cannon Holden.
By Sarah Canon Holden
I want to welcome everyone here today. If you are new to Town Meeting, I can assure that we are all new to Town Meeting in this place, at this time, in this abbreviated format, and in late spring. At one level this is an experiment for all of us. But, as usual, we are here to deliberate, reflect, ask questions, and vote.
As we ease into the meeting I ask that we pause to remember our fellow citizens who have died since we last met. Many volunteered on boards and committees. They were our neighbors and friends. Let us pause for a moment of silence in their memory.
As your Town Moderator, I want to share some brief thoughts with you during this time of crisis and social unrest in our country, but before I do, I want to speak directly to our police officers here in Lincoln. Most assuredly this has been a most difficult and stressful time for each of you. You are professionals caught up in a tidal wave of anger against law enforcement. But the protests are not against you; they are against those who would abuse the dignity and authority of their badge to engage in abusive and at times criminal behavior. Under the leadership of Chief Kevin Kennedy you maintain the dignity of your badge and exercise properly the authority it bestows upon you. We are grateful for your service.
And so just like our Lincoln police officers, we have come face to face with racism in this country in a way that no one can ignore. We have seen racism in its most cruel and blatant expression. We must have the difficult and long overdue conversations, uncover facts and history, and we must demand systemic changes. We must speak out for justice and equality. We must engage in the critical thinking required. We must reflect on the words of the 13th Amendment — please go home and read it — and acknowledge its escape clause for those not ready for the end of slavery. We must look at our prison system, our schools, our housing, our courts, our pay scales, our assumptions — here and beyond. And the “we” here is everyone — black, white, brown, everyone — everyone together. You are thinking about all of this. We all are. So, please let us pause again for a moment of silence for George Floyd, whose brutal murder may have finally forced the conversations which will result in the changes we must seek.
* * *
Before we leave this place to go back to our worlds — in whatever form that may be — I would like to say a few closing words. We have shown that even under unusual circumstances we can pull ourselves together. That is because we have capable leadership in this town which was prepared. They kept abreast of the state restrictions and protocols. They met the required deadlines. They deliberated and they did all they could to get information out to the town via Zoom and the U.S. Postal Service. And all of you showed up. Thank you. We all value our right to vote as well as the unique New England institution of Town Meeting. There may be procedures from this year that we will continue as we go forward. I am sure there will be plenty of introspection and review.
As we leave here now, I ask that we listen again to our town’s vision statement as mentioned by Jennifer. It says that we will “foster economic, racial/ethnic, and age diversity among [our] citizenry through… educational, housing and other public policy.” This is the town’s vision, agreed to by the voters. Let it be our collective 2020 vision to take the necessary steps to breathe new life and vigor into this goal.
”My Turn” is a forum for Lincoln residents to offer their views on any subject of interest to other Lincolnites. Submissions must be signed with the writer’s name and street address and sent via email to Items will be edited for punctuation, spelling, style, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor. Submissions containing personal attacks, errors of fact, or other inappropriate material will not be published.
My Turn: Group of residents endorses Rundell for Planning Board
Dear friends and neighbors, We have followed with interest the unfolding of this year’s election for Planning Board and appreciate the issues of the South Lincoln neighborhood, of which many of us are a part, and also the town as a whole. Seeking experienced, balanced, and professional representation on the Planning Board, we endorse Rick…
My Turn: Re-elect Rick Rundell and Lynn DeLisi to Planning Board
By Ken Hurd Although Buzz Constable’s email on LincolnTalk may strike many as a little harsh, he has captured the frustration of many people, including my own at times. My own experience is unique, having served on the Planning Board from 2002 until 2012, and then after my term had ended, having sat across the…
Outdoor Town Meeting zips by in 90 minutes
By Alice Waugh It was a Town Meeting like no other. Instead of lasting hours with hundreds of people packed in a stuffy auditorium, it took in the fresh air under an enormous tent where chirping birds competed with the amplified voices of the speakers. All three warrant articles were approved, and the whole thing…