To the editor:
I have worked with Peter on the Capital Planning Committee for the past three years and on the Route 2 Oversight Committee this past year. I have found he is very committed to this work, with solid knowledge and experience of Town policies and process. His ability to understand and clearly articulate the big picture context and subtler side issues, is extremely valuable in enhancing our discussions and getting committee work done.
His focus is on making good decisions based on the best information and evaluation of alternatives, to determine the best course of action. He brings a robust capacity to engage people and their diverse agendas, clarify issues, hear concerns of others, promote new ideas, then works to develop and implement the best solution. I find him collegial, passionate about fairness, working to lead a governance process that gets results.
Peter has been an articulate spokesman for the town in HATS [Hanscom Area Town Selectmen] and HFAC [Hanscom Field Advisory Committee] where he acts as the primary link to our state and federal legislative delegation on Hanscom-related matters for preserving the Air Force base’s continuing role in our local economy. These efforts focus on a critical area of concern for Lincoln’s future where continuing incremental development and changes in use at these facilities could be a major factor in forever shaping Lincoln’s future.
These issues, as well as a heavy list of pending Lincoln town projects, including the Lincoln School campus, study of Community Center needs, development activities on Winter Street, a new Minuteman High School building and a South Lincoln Planning study, require a thoughtful approach and an experienced hand. This is why we need to re-elect Peter Braun as Selectman on Monday, March 31 to help us successfully work through these challenges.
Jim Henderson
Giles Road
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