To the editor:
If you’ve driven by 75 Tower Rd. any time since midsummer, you’ve seen a good deal of construction as a single-family house was renovated and turned into a two-bedroom apartment and a one-bedroom accessory apartment. The renovation, which is almost complete, will allow Lincoln to add an additional unit to our subsidized housing inventory. The Community Preservation Committee presented the proposal to spend $150,000 of CPA funds on the renovation at Town Meeting in March. Town Meeting approved the proposal, and work was begun as soon as the money was available.
We invite everyone in town to join the Housing Commission for a tour of the new apartments on Sunday, Oct. 26 between 2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Lincoln’s affordable housing program is administered by the Lincoln Housing Commission. With the addition of the new unit at 75 Tower Road, we will have seven town-owned rental properties. Anyone interested in getting on our waiting list should call Elaine Carroll in the Town Office Building at 781-259-2613 and ask for an application.
Constance Lewis
South Commons
Chair, Lincoln Housing Commission
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