To the editor:
The fiscal year 2016 (FY16) preliminary budget for the Lincoln Public Schools has been developed and will be presented to the School Committee on November 6, 2014. The process of developing the school budget began in August when the administrative team and I began an examination of each budget line item within the context of the District Strategic Plan. The process will continue through January 22, when the School Committee will vote on the budget that will be presented for a vote at the March 28, 2015 Town Meeting. I encourage parents and faculty to attend the School Committee meetings throughout the budget process and to provide input during the public comment portion of the meeting.
There are several key considerations in developing the budget:
- The budget must be aligned with the School Committee guidelines that were finalized in September.
- The Lincoln School budget is based on guidance from the Lincoln Finance Committee. For FY16, FinCom established a 2.5 percent budget guideline. This provides a 2.5 percent increase over the FY15 appropriated budget.
- The Hanscom budget is developed based on projected enrollment bands agreed upon in the Federal contract. For the past several years, the budget has been built assuming enrollment at the “Band 3” level of 550-599 students.
- Both budgets are developed with the intent of providing a level services budget (this year’s services at next year’s cost) and presenting possible improvement initiatives for consideration.
- A major component of the budget is predicting the number of sections needed according to class size policy. On the Hanscom campus, class sizes are determined by Federal guidelines. On the Lincoln campus, class sizes are governed by the Class Size Policy.
The FY16 level service budget we will present on November 6 exceeds the 2.5 percent budget guideline established by the Lincoln Finance Committee. I will present the preliminary budget and explain the resulting “gap” between the budget guideline and the costs of providing a level service budget. At the School Committee meetings on November 20 and December 4, we will present options for reducing the budget in order to meet the FinCom guideline. This will require creating a list of gap-closing measures and providing information about those reductions and the impact they will have on the educational program.
At this time, I want to make you aware that our enrollment projections for the Lincoln School indicate that our current four sections of Grade 3 can be accommodated in three sections of Grade 4 in 2015-2016 and still meet the requirements of the class size policy. The total number of class sections in the Lincoln School would remain the same as the current year.
As the process unfolds and budget decisions are made with the School Committee, I will do my best to provide information to the community.
Rebecca McFall, Ed.D.
Superintendent, Lincoln Public Schools
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