To the editor:
I am writing to announce my candidacy for reelection to a second term on the Board of Selectmen. It has been an interesting three years and an exciting time to be on the board.
The primary role of the Selectmen is to carry out the will of the town. We do not set policy, but rather assist the town in making informed decisions, as well as assuring that these decisions are carried out. I find all of this to be challenging and, when we get it right, very rewarding. This is not to say that the board does not make decisions throughout the year; of course we do. But these decisions are often in the details: committee appointments, public safety, and how to best present choices to the town.
During these three years, I have been involved in the development of the new town web site, I serve on the Community Center Study Committee, and I am liaison to the land use boards as well as the Council on Aging, School Building Advisory Committee, and others This has given me a great deal of perspective about the many faces of Lincoln.
Major challenges facing Lincoln in the short term include potential changes to the school campus. Will we begin to renovate or rebuild our K-8 school soon? Will we design and build a new community center? Is a campus master plan a good first step? Some of these questions will be put to you at our March Town Meeting. Whatever direction Town Meeting takes us in, I hope to continue to be part of that process as your Selectman.
We are all in this together; it is everyone’s responsibility to be informed and participate in the process, with your voice and with your vote. With your support, I will continue to listen, and to use my best judgement in making decisions placed before the board and representing the residents of Lincoln.
Renel Fredriksen
Trapelo Rd.
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