To the editor,
On Wednesday, March 30 at 7 p.m., all are invited for a cup of tea at Karibu Restaurant on 10 Crescent St. in Waltham. The purpose of this tea is to sit and talk with people you have yet to meet.
On Sunday, April 3 at 4 p.m., the Waltham Islamic Society at 313 Moody St. is opening the doors to their mosque to all of us who wish to see their place of worship. They will have people ready to answer our questions and show us around. This is a follow-up activity from the Meet Our Muslim Neighbor event in February. Well over 100 people (many from Lincoln) attended that event and many indicated interest in learning more.
I am writing this on Tuesday morning, March 29 having just read in the Boston Globe about the difficulties a group of Muslims are facing in Dudley as they try to get permission from the town to build a cemetery. We are all familiar with the fear of the unknown and have all heard the negative comments about Muslims in the media.
We are fortunate here in our community that we are all able to live in peace and respect for one another. That’s what was on display at the event in February, and our continued public acknowledgement of support for our Muslim neighbors is what will help inoculate us from some of the difficulties faced in other communities.
If you would like an opportunity to show your support for Muslims, please join us at the mosque on Sunday at 4 p.m. If you are at all afraid, concerned or have lingering questions, please join us on Sunday. Ask your questions, voice your concerns and take the opportunity to better gain a better understanding of Islam.
Sharon Antia
165 South Great Rd.
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