U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark (D-Mass. 5th) advocated for national Democratic candidates running for Congress at a “Campaign 2018 Red to Blue Kickoff Rally” sponsored by the Lincoln Democratic Town Committee in Bemis Hall last Sunday,
Clark is now vice chair in charge of recruiting for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), whose goal is to identify, train and encourage Democratic candidates in targeted congressional races across the nation. She described 18 new candidates that the DCCC has endorsed in 16 states from Arizona to New York, with more expected in upcoming primary elections.
These young candidates make up a group referred to as the Blue Wave that Democrats hope will retake control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the November elections. Twenty-four seats must “flip” from Republican to Democrat for Democrats to regain the majority.
So far, over 400 Democratic candidates have registered with the Federal Election Commission for Congressional races—almost seven times the previous high number in 2007. Democrats are encouraged by recent election results in Virginia, New Jersey, Alabama, Florida and Wisconsin, where this week a first-time Democratic candidate won a state senate seat that had been held by the opposition for over 17 years.
Clark also asked the audience to volunteer and support candidates running to replace retiring Congresswomen Niki Tsongas (D-Mass. 3rd) and Carol Shea Porter (D-N.H. 1st). Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass. 6th) has endorsed several candidates with military experience for a variety of offices including Congress on his ServeAmerica PAC. Emily’s List is likewise endorsing women for seats in state and local elections as well as for Congress and the Senate.
—Submitted by Gary Davis and Barbara Slayter, co-chairs of the Lincoln Democratic Town Committee