You may have noticed the sun’s finally out
And that’s as good a reason as any to shout
Please get out on the trails of our fair city
If you are locked inside, that’s a terrible pity.
And while you are walking the trails with friend or dog
Whether you saunter, speed walk, run or jog,
Please help out your Conservation Department
On the hills and dales and occasional escarpment.
After you’ve managed your own back yard,
Help us with a job that has turned terribly hard—
To clear the trails of limbs and debris,
We need the help of the citizenry.
While walking along, please kick or toss aside
Those small branches we normally can’t abide.
Or perhaps reach down and pick up some wood
(The stretching does most of us good)
And throw it off to the side of the trail
To clear away the residue of last winter’s gale.
We will get the big logs with our hearty crew,
Please have patience—there are more than a few.
Email us please to let us know where they are
And how to get to them by foot or by car.
Do use and enjoy our shared beautiful land
And many thanks for lending a hand.
Send reports of downed trees to Tim Belivieu ( or Stacy Carter (
Peter von Mertens (chair, Conservation Commission)
16 Tower Rd.
Mary Ann Hales says
What a great poem and helpful reminder. I hope it helps to clear the trails.