To the editor:
We write to express our support for Jay Gonzalez and Quentin Palfrey, the Democratic candidates for governor and lieutenant governor of Massachusetts.
Gonzalez and Palfrey are experienced public servants with a bold vision to pursue the values, policies and investments required to tackle the big challenges to provide a better future for every Massachusetts individual and family. The status quo and the wait-and-see approach are not good enough.
Jay Gonzalez served as president and CEO of CelticCare Health and New Hampshire Healthy Families dedicated to helping low-income residents access health care. He served as Gov. Deval Patrick’s secretary of administration and finance managing the state budget, and was chairman of the board of the Massachusetts Health Connector, where he oversaw implementation of the Massachusetts’ health care reform.
Quentin Palfrey served as deputy general counsel for strategic initiatives in the U.S. Commerce Department and was President Obama’s senior adviser for jobs and competitiveness fostering innovation and creating American jobs. He was also chief of the Health Care Division in the previous Massachusetts attorney general’s office, where he played an important role in the implementation of health reforms and consumer protection efforts.
As candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, they have defined at length their priorities to invest in public schools at all levels to make Massachusetts a leader once again in expanding access to high-quality healthcare, and to create opportunity for all residents of the Commonwealth—not just the wealthy. They will re-engage Massachusetts prior commitments to pursue climate change goals and clean energy sources.
Now more than ever, we need bold leaders in Massachusetts who will stand up for those working families being left behind. Thank you for joining us in voting for Gonzalez and Palfrey on November 6.
Gary Davis and Barbara Slayter
Co-chairs, Lincoln Democratic Town Committee
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