Addendum to Kanner letter
The letter to the editor about outdoor lighting regulations from Steven Kanner has been modified to reflect a paragraph that was inadvertently omitted when it was published on March 3.
Town meeting shuttle service offered; carpooling recommended
The Town of Lincoln Annual Town Meeting will take place Saturday, March 28 beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the Brooks School auditorium on Ballfield Road. As an open Town Meeting, all Lincoln citizens are encouraged to attend and participate. Lincoln residents should receive their Town Meeting packets, including the Town Report and the Financial Section and Warrant, on or about March 21. More information can be found on this Town of Lincoln webpage.
Due to the expected turnout for Town Meeting and the limited parking spaces available at the school complex, the town is asking residents to carpool. Also, the town is offering a shuttle service from the Lincoln commuter lot (the non-resident paved lot) to the school from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. The shuttle will run continuously throughout Town Meeting.