Town officials provided updates on the two pending school campus construction projects at the State of the Town meeting on October 20, outlining a series of cuts made to bring the school project under budget and a timeline for the community center. The detailed construction cost estimate presented to the School Building Committee in September…
community center
The agenda for the October 20 State of the Town meeting posted in the Squirrel on October 9 was incorrect. Here is the correct agenda for the meting, which will take place in Brooks auditorium from 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.: Campus building projects (10:30–11 a.m.) South Lincoln planning (11–11:30 a.m.) deCordova bylaws (11:30a.m.–noon) Open forum (12–12:30…
Schedules proposed for school, community center projects
School and community center planners have proposed schedules for further community input and eventual start dates for their respective projects. Daedalus Projects Inc., the owner’s project manager for the school project, presented a schedule to the School Building Committee earlier this month calling for three community forums from August to October as well as six…
Residents split on preferred community center design
Residents were almost evenly split as to which of two design concepts they preferred for a future community center. The choices were presented in a paper survey at the June 9 Special Town Meeting on the school project. A total of 158 residents completed the survey, or 25 percent of the 632 who cast votes…
School option L3 wins the day
After almost a year of meetings, community forums, architectural work, and spirited debate, Lincoln residents voted to move forward with school concept L3 at a Special Town Meeting on June 9. Consulting architects SMMA will now produce a schematic design with detailed specifications and an updated cost estimate. The current estimate for Option L3 is…
The school project: a look back since 2012
Letter from the moderator #3: rules for Saturday’s Special Town Meeting
Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of pieces by Town Moderator Sarah Cannon Holden about preparations and procedures for the Special Town Meeting on June 9. The other letters appear here and here. To the editor: By now you should have received your Special Town Meeting Warrant with the two aBy now you…
Letter from the moderator #1: checking in at the June 9 Town Meeting
The May 9 article headlined “Community center group narrows focus to two concepts” incorrectly stated that the Community Center Planning and Preliminary Design Committee had formally voted not to request funding for a community center at the June 9 Special Town Meeting. The group’s charge was only for preliminary work to further the community center,…
Community center group narrows focus to two concepts
The group planning a future community center has narrowed down its choices to two schemes that will be presented at the Special Town Meeting on June 9, probably followed by a non-binding “sense of the town” vote on which one residents prefer. At its meeting last week, the Community Center Planning and Preliminary Design Committee…