In the wake of some pushback against proposals to ban some uses of small water bottles and plastic grocery bags, one of the high school students behind the warrant articles wrote on Thursday that at least one of the issues will be withdrawn from a binding vote at Saturday’s Town Meting. Students in the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School’s…
Letter to the editor: water bottle ban would hurt businesses
To the editor: I am writing in opposition to Article 41 of the March 25 Town Meeting Warrant, the proposed ban on the sale of water in non-reusable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles of one liter or less. I have lived in Lincoln for more than 35 years. My family owns the two new restaurants in…
Drumlin Farm prepares to build new Environmental Learning Center
As part of an ongoing series of upgrades, Drumlin Farm recently got permission to demolish its education building in preparation for erecting a new one. The new Environmental Learning Center will be the hub for all of Drumlin Farm’s environmental education programming, including the summer camp. The current education building—which was built as an open…
Letter to the editor: proposed bag/bottle ban is ‘an infringement of consumer rights’
(Editor’s note: The warrant articles in question would not ban all types of plastic bags and water bottles—see this February 28 Lincoln Squirrel story.) To the editor: There are two articles on the Town Meeting warrant that are of concern to Donelan’s Supermarkets. Article 41 and 42 propose to ban the use of plastic bags…
Letter to the editor: Vote yes on solar array at landfill
To the editor: Without question, we Lincolnites are dedicated conservationists. Almost 35 percent of the town’s land is protected, giving us five square miles of undeveloped natural habitats for wildlife and plant life, fresh air, clean streams, and long stretches of space to walk and reflect. It’s perhaps not surprising, then, that we also care…
Video explains financing and plans for Wang land purchase
Lincoln residents will be asked at Town Meeting to approve a total of $2 million for land purchase and construction that will yield the town’s first new athletic field in more than 50 years as well as new conservation land. However, because of the type of financing that’s being considered, the expenditure will not result…
Wetlands boardwalk opening set for April 2
Town officials will open a new wetlands boardwalk on Sunday, April 2 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the result of six years of planning and fundraising. Several years ago, Lincoln School science teacher Terry Green and others envisioned a new boardwalk behind the school as a great learning experience for students. (An old boardwalk had fallen into…
News acorns
Information evening on water bottles, plastic bags In preparation for upcoming Town Meeting votes on banning some plastic bags and disposable water bottles in Lincoln and Sudbury, residents are invited to see Tapped, a film about bottled water, and learn about BYOBB—Bring Your Own Bags and Bottles—on Tuesday, March 14 at 7 p.m. in the high…
Students sponsor three Town Meeting citizens’ petitions
This year, the eighth-graders’ group assisted by Town Clerk Susan Brooks and Town Moderator Sarah Cannon Holden is hoping to have Lincoln voters approve funds for two portable, 15-foot aluminum benches with backrests and shelves for use by sports teams who play on the fields next to Codman Pool. The benches would cost $800 to…
Town Meeting warrant article list published
The list of articles for the 2017 Annual Town Meeting on March 25 includes 42 articles that will ask residents for a “year” or “nay” on numerous issues that have been in the news in Lincoln over the past year or more. Below are links to previous Lincoln Squirrel stories about some of the items. The Squirrel will also publish…