Editor’s note: see these previous Lincoln Squirrel articles for previous Town Meeting coverage: School and community center projects Wang property purchase and solar initiatives Capital planning and community preservation expenditures Voters at Town Meeting approved measures aimed at increasing affordable accessory apartments, allowing the Board of Selectmen to change speed limits under certain conditions, temporarily…
agriculture and flora
Drumlin Farm prepares to build new Environmental Learning Center
As part of an ongoing series of upgrades, Drumlin Farm recently got permission to demolish its education building in preparation for erecting a new one. The new Environmental Learning Center will be the hub for all of Drumlin Farm’s environmental education programming, including the summer camp. The current education building—which was built as an open…
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Woolapalooza at Drumlin Farm Celebrate the coming of spring at Drumlin Farm’s Woolapalooza annual festival featuring fiber, food, and fun on Saturday, March 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Highlights will include: Sheep-shearing demonstrations Live sheep herding with border collies Sheep-to-sweater interpretive trail: Learn how wool becomes yarn, and make a craft to take…
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Information evening on water bottles, plastic bags In preparation for upcoming Town Meeting votes on banning some plastic bags and disposable water bottles in Lincoln and Sudbury, residents are invited to see Tapped, a film about bottled water, and learn about BYOBB—Bring Your Own Bags and Bottles—on Tuesday, March 14 at 7 p.m. in the high…
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Green Energy Committee seeks survey responses The Lincoln Green Energy Committee is partnering with Wayland and Sudbury to apply for another round of Solarize, a program sponsored by the Mass Clean Energy Center that will allow Lincolnites to install solar at reduced prices. For Lincoln to qualify for the MassCEC’s application process, they need residents’…
Town Meeting warrant article list published
The list of articles for the 2017 Annual Town Meeting on March 25 includes 42 articles that will ask residents for a “year” or “nay” on numerous issues that have been in the news in Lincoln over the past year or more. Below are links to previous Lincoln Squirrel stories about some of the items. The Squirrel will also publish…
2016: the year in review (part 1)
June Bemis Hall unveils new space New co-ed softball league is fielding teams Flint’s Pond fire yields unique research opportunity Event marks completion of new Hanscom Middle School May Residents turn out in force against McLean proposal Lincoln resident bilked out of more than $1.4 million Minuteman school building project hits another snag McLean Hospital…
Small-scale agriculture expansion discussed at SOTT
Opportunities for small-scale commercial raising of animals and sale of animal products will be expanded if residents approve a zoning bylaw change at Town Meeting in March. Current rules under the 2011 Right to Farm bylaw allow property owners to sell produce and flowers on lots of any size, but animal products such as meat,…
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Complete Streets survey input sought Residents are invited to participate in a survey about the upcoming Complete Streets study to look at existing conditions of roadways and roadside and come up with an improvement plan. Click here for more information or see the Lincoln Squirrel (September 14, 2016). The topic will also be discussed at…
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Halloween kids’ events at the library Come listen to some fun and “not too scary” tales, jokes, and songs with storyteller/actress Sally Kindleberger on Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 4 p.m. at the Lincoln Public Library. Recommended for ages 5 and up. On Saturday, Oct. 29, come to a Halloween dance party at 11 a.m. for ages…