Council on Aging activities in July
Sip and paint a masterpiece by the numbers
July 3 at 10 a.m.
Come “sip and paint” with some nonalcoholic wine while you “paint by the numbers.” The first of four sessions will be on Wednesday, July 3 at 10 a.m. at Bemis Hall. The COA will provide the paint-by-number kits. The class is almost full, but call the COA at 781-259-8811 to sign up or be put on the waiting list.
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Israeli-Palestinian film series this summer The GRALTA Foundation offers its third annual Israel/Palestine summer film series on Thursdays evenings and Sunday afternoons starting on Thursday, June 20. All films will be shown in the downstairs screening room in Bemis Hall. There is no charge, and light refreshments will be served. There will be an opportunity for discussion…
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Council on Aging activities in June
Free wellness clinics for all ages June 4 at 10 a.m. Place: Lincoln Woods Meet with a nurse at 50 Wells Road in Lincoln Woods on Tuesday, June 4 (note new day this month only) from 10 a.m.–noon or Bemis Hall on Tuesday, June 18 from 9–11 a.m. Blood pressure, nutrition and fitness, medication management,…
Cafeteria manager Hillson wins national award
Sandra Hillson of the Lincoln School has been named Northeast Regional Manager of the Year by the national nonprofit School Nutrition Association (SNA). Considered the highest honor a school nutrition manager can earn, the award recognizes a cafeteria manager who has demonstrated dedication and ingenuity to improve his or her school meal program. A seasoned cafeteria manager,…
Council on Aging activities in May
Musical jazz lunch
May 3 at 12:30 p.m.
Celebrate the end of the week by grabbing a table at Bemis while the Lincoln Traditional Jazz Band serenades you with familiar good old tunes. Bring a bag lunch and, if you like, food purchased already prepared to share. The COA provides beverages and dessert.
Watercolor class with Jane
May 6 and 20 at 9 a.m.
Rediscover your joyful soul through art and nature in Jane Cooper’s watercolor class. Two classes of four sessions each will be offered on Mondays and Fridays from 9 to 11 a.m. beginning Mondays, May 6 and 20. The cost is $30 for each class of four sessions, materials included. Call the COA at 781-259-8811 to sign up.
Lincoln Academy with Timothy Johnson, MD: The future of medicine
May 6 at 12:30 p.m.
Dr. Johnson will review current problems with American health care and propose possible solutions for each. He will also predict what will happen in the next ten years. Johnson was the chief medical correspondent for ABC News, giving medical information to millions of Americans in a way that was accurate yet accessible. The COA provides beverages and dessert. The lectures last about an hour, including a question and answer period. Participants are welcome to stay after the program to continue their discussion. All ages welcome.
Noticing walks with John Calabria
May 7 at 1 p.m.
Location: TBD
Enjoy a gently paced walk through nature guided by John Calabria on May 7 from 1–2:30 p.m. at a location posted at
Council on Aging activities in April
Lincoln Academy with Richard Pierson: Healthy aging — a new science, a new art
April 1 at 12:30 p.m.
Come to Bemis Hall on Monday, April 1 at 12:30 p.m. when Richard Pierson, M.D., retired professor of medicine at Columbia University discusses “Healthy Aging: A New Science, A New Art.” As more and more people live to their 90s and 100s, “healthy aging” has become both absolutely essential and more complex. Pierson will talk about how ideas of aging have changed over the millennia, how our body composition changes and affects our health as we age, and how this will affect society and our everyday lives. All ages welcome.
Noticing walks with John Calabria
April 2 at 1 p.m.
LOCATION: Mt. Misery parking lot on Rt. 117
Enjoy a gently paced walk through nature guided by John Calabria on April 2 from 1-2:30 p.m. at a location posted at Bring walking sticks or walking poles if you like. Other walks will be held May 7 and June 4. If the weather is bad, call 781-259-9251 after 10 a.m. the morning of the walk for an update. Co-sponsored by the COA and the Lincoln Land Conservation Trust.
Lincoln Trad Jazz Band
April 5 at 12:30 p.m.
News acorns
L-S Pops Concert on Thursday The L-S Music Department presents its annual Pops Concert on Thursday, March 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the L-S auditorium. Performing groups include the orchestra, concert band, symphonic band, concert choir and more. The concert will feature the combined music ensembles performing “The Circle of Life” under the direction of…
Council on Aging activities in March
Trad jazz concert
March 1 at 12:30 p.m.
No need to travel to New Orleans or New York when what you’re looking for is to be found right here when the Lincoln Traditional Jazz Band is in the house at Bemis Hall on Friday, March 1 from 12:30–1:30.
Lincoln Academy with Bijoy Misra: nature and spirituality
March 4 at 12:30 p.m.
Come to Bemis Hall on Monday, March 4 at 12:30 p.m. when Bijoy Misra discusses “Nature and Spirituality.” Is nature spiritual? Does nature thrive on struggle for existence or provide a room for all? Are all objects equal in their existence? If an object in nature is equal to another object, then why does one survive not the other? Misra will examine these age-old questions from the perspectives of our own life and experiences. He will examine traits in humans as to our own nature and our own built-in spirituality. He will look through the philosophers and the scriptures for their insight into equality. He will examine whether spirituality lives in our own perception of the other object. The COA provides beverages and dessert. The lectures last about an hour, including a question and answer period. Participants are welcome to stay after the program to continue their discussion. All ages welcome.
Artists’ coffee with the Lincoln Quilters
March 5 at 2:30 p.m.
Join the Lincoln Quilters on Tuesday, March 5 at 2:30 to celebrate their exhibit in the Bemis Hall Gallery in March and April. The Lincoln Quilters are nine Lincoln women including Anne Crosby, Nancy Constable, Tricia Deck, Linda MacNeil, Lucy Sachs, Kate Sacknoff, Jane Solar, and Dilla Tingley. Drawn together by their shared interest in quilting and fiber arts, they began meeting monthly five years ago to inspire each other, share their creations, share suggestions on personal projects, and develop new pieces as a group. They generally have a group project going that stimulates and challenges each member and her creativity. Besides donating quilts for fundraising events, they have made quilts for organizations in need such as Camp Sunshine. They recently had a show at the Lincoln Library gallery where eight quilts were auctioned to benefit the charity of choice of the successful bidder. Many of the pieces in the show at Bemis will have Lincoln themes. Proceeds from the sale of these quilts will be donated to the Lincoln Food Pantry.
The many faces of sadness
March 7 at 10 a.m.
As we age, we may experience sadness in many forms. It may be due to the loss of loved ones, changes in our activity patterns, and for some, isolation which can increase our vulnerability to depression. Claire Gerstein, LICSW, will facilitate a group to give people the opportunity to talk about these issues in a supportive environment. The free six-week group will meet Thursdays 10-11:30 starting March 7 at Bemis Hall.