To the editor: This year the 8th-grade Warrant Article Group (WAG), which consists of Emily Appleby, Aleco Buendia, David Christenfeld, Andrew Craig and Isaiah Jones, would like to ask Lincoln voters to support our proposition to ban the sale of e-cigarettes in town. We had hoped to ban all cigarettes, but after we took a…
Letter to the editor: Picker running for library trustee
To the editor: I am running for the open seat of Lincoln Library Trustee with a three-year term and I respectfully ask for your vote at the March 2019 town elections. The Lincoln Library is an esteemed, well patronized, core institution in our town that provides valuable services across all age groups. It is served…
Who’s running for town office in March
Here is a list of those who have filed appears with the Town Clerk to run for office in the March 25 election. Click here for links to the web pages for these boards and committees, which list current members. Candidates have until February 20 to withdraw in time to have their name not appear on the…
Town Meeting article list approved
The Board of Selectmen has approved the following articles for the Annual Town Meeting on Saturday, March 23. They’re scheduled to vote to sign the warrant with descriptions of each article on February 11. Keep reading the Lincoln Squirrel for more in-depth coverage of these items in the coming days and weeks. NOTE: Articles 27–33…
Group to study property taxes in Lincoln
The $93 million school building project has many residents worried about whether they’ll be able to afford the inevitable higher property taxes in Lincoln, so the town is forming a Property Tax Study Committee to see what financial tools the town has available to shape tax policy and promote economic diversity. The committee will be…
Public hearings coming up
L-S School Committee The Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in Conference Room B at the high school regarding (a) the FY20 school budget and (b) school choice. Updated L-S FY20 Budget Presentation at the Lincoln Finance Committee’s second budget Workshop (1/23/19) LS FY20 Proposed Budget Book (1/22/19)…
Letter to the editor: Susan Taylor running for School Committee
Dear neighbors, I ask for your vote on March 25 for the two-year position on the Lincoln School Committee. With your support, I hope both to bring the perspective of my years in Lincoln community service and to pay forward the great benefit that Lincoln’s commitment to education has given to my now-adult children. My…
Upcoming opportunities to discuss, participate in government
Forum on widening participation in town governance The Special Town Meeting in December has led to conversations about how to diversify the group of residents involved in Lincoln’s governance, as well as how to increase voter participation. There will be a forum to discuss these issues on Saturday, Jan. 26 from 10–11:30 a.m. in the…
Letter to the editor: can ranked-choice voting strengthen our democracy?
To the editor: The midterm elections of 2018 have sparked new interest in a process of voting for candidates known as ranked-choice voting (RCV). An August 7 editorial in the Boston Globe asserts, “The Massachusetts legislature would be wise to adopt ranked-choice voting, coupled with a robust voter education campaign for statewide elections.” Massachusetts Secretary of…
News acorns
Public hearings coming up The Board of Water Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Thursday, Jan. 10 at 5 p.m. at the Lincoln Town Offices on its plan to institute first rate hike since 2015 (see the Lincoln Squirrel, Jan. 6, 2019). The Historic District Commission will hold a public hearing at 7:30 p.m….