To the editor: Make way! Here comes the renowned eighth-grade Warrant Article Group! What, you ask? The Warrant Article Group is a group of eighth-graders who had a dream—a dream to learn more about local government. Led by the town clerk and the town moderator, we have been able to fulfill this dream. Now we have to…
Letter to the editor: proposed bag/bottle ban is ‘an infringement of consumer rights’
(Editor’s note: The warrant articles in question would not ban all types of plastic bags and water bottles—see this February 28 Lincoln Squirrel story.) To the editor: There are two articles on the Town Meeting warrant that are of concern to Donelan’s Supermarkets. Article 41 and 42 propose to ban the use of plastic bags…
Letter to the editor: vote yes on community center feasibility study
To the editor: The warrant for the Annual Town Meeting on March 25 includes an article to approve $150,000 to fund “a feasibility study and preliminary design development plans for a community center to be located within the Hartwell Complex of the Ballfield Road school campus.” If funding for a school project feasibility study is…
Letter to the editor: Vote yes on solar array at landfill
To the editor: Without question, we Lincolnites are dedicated conservationists. Almost 35 percent of the town’s land is protected, giving us five square miles of undeveloped natural habitats for wildlife and plant life, fresh air, clean streams, and long stretches of space to walk and reflect. It’s perhaps not surprising, then, that we also care…
Letter to the editor: ConComm supports Wang project
To the editor: Over the past several weeks, the Conservation Commission has received several questions about the 100 Bedford Road project (also referred to as the Wang project), which will be going before Town Meeting on March 25. The Parks and Recreation commission has put together an excellent video describing the proposal, which has two…
Video explains financing and plans for Wang land purchase
Lincoln residents will be asked at Town Meeting to approve a total of $2 million for land purchase and construction that will yield the town’s first new athletic field in more than 50 years as well as new conservation land. However, because of the type of financing that’s being considered, the expenditure will not result…
Candidates offer views on wide range of issues
Twelve of the residents who are on the ballot for Lincoln’s local election gathered to answer questions at a moderated candidate forum at Lincoln Woods on March 11. Before the forum, each candidate was asked by the Lincoln Woods Advisory Council, which organized the event, to respond in writing to two questions. Those answers, which…
News acorns
Forum on affordable housing proposals In preparation for Town Meeting votes on creating more affordable housing, the Housing Commission will hold an Affordable Accessory Apartment Program Housing Forum on Wednesday, March 15 at 7 p.m. in the Town Office Building. A “yes” vote on warrant Article 12 would create the Affordable Accessory Apartment Program, a public/private partnership, a…
Officials outline needs and implications of school funding vote
School and town officials made their case for voting to move ahead with a town-funded school project at a multi-board meeting and public forum on March 8. School Committee chair Jennifer Glass urged residents at Town Meeting on March 25 to vote yes on Article 33, which would allow the town to spend $750,000 on a feasibility…
Another response for candidate forum
Following is a another candidate response in preparation for the town-wide candidate forum on Saturday, March 11 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Lincoln Woods Community center (50 Wells Rd.). Previous responses can be seen here and here. Stanley Solomon (Bemis Trustee) What I like best about Lincoln—While my wife Susan and I moved from Lexington to The Commons…