To the editor: On Saturday, the town will have an opportunity to come together and hear what is on the minds of town boards and committees, in addition to asking questions and sharing ideas. That is one important conversation. There is another. This past summer, an important community conversation was resumed. Every so many years,…
Lincoln voters say yes to Hillary, no to charter schools
Early election results in Lincoln show that Hillary Clinton won by an overwhelming margin of 83% to 17%. Lincolnites also said a firm “no” to more charter schools and an additional slot parlor while saying “yes” to banning confinement for farm animals and legalizing recreational marijuana. Incumbent State Rep. Thomas Stanley (D) handily beat independent challenger Stacey…
Lincoln DTC endorses Clark, Stanley, Barrett
To the editor: The Lincoln Democratic Town Committee endorses Katherine Clark for U.S. Congress, Tom Stanley for State Representative, and Michael Barrett for State Senator. Massachusetts and Lincoln have been well served by Congresswoman Katherine Clark. She distinguished herself in leading a protest on the House floor with Representative John Lewis to chastise the Republican…
Letter to the editor: elect Tully as Lincoln’s state rep
ZBA says no to McLean Hospital
The Zoning Board of Appeals voted 4-1 on Thursday night to overrule a previous finding that a proposed McLean Hospital residential facility is a permitted use of the property under state law. McLean bought adjoining parcels at 16 and 22 Bypass Road last spring with the intention of putting 12 beds for boys age 15-21…
News acorns
More than one-quarter of voters cast early ballots As of Wednesday morning, 28 percent of the Lincoln electorate has voted, according to Town Clerk Susan Brooks. Though her office has not been tracking ballots cast by registration, the largest segment of the Lincoln electorate is unenrolled (53 percent), followed by Democrats at 36 percent and Republicans at…
Officials discuss ways to tweak Town Meeting
How can Town Meeting be made more accessible for busy parents, the homebound, and others who might like to attend but can’t? Town moderator Sarah Cannon Holden and selectmen brainstormed several ideas at the board’s October 24 meeting. The topic came up after several residents discussed the matter on the LincolnTalk email list over the summer…
ZBA expected to vote on McLean proposal this week
After two public hearing sessions, the Zoning Board of Appeals is expected to vote Thursday on whether McLean Hospital’s proposed Bypass Road facility is a permitted use for the property. The ZBA heard arguments surrounding the appeal of a group of residents on September 29 and October 20. Both the appellants and MCLean also filed numerous…
Letter to the editor: some are working to rig the election
To the editor: Yes, the election is rigged—but not how you might have heard. Hillary Clinton is the only responsible choice to elect as our next president. As NYU research professor Dianne Ravitch wrote yesterday, Clinton is far more qualified for the presidency than Donald Trump, who is completely unfit for the position. She is better…
Letter to the editor: Rep. Stanley asks for voter support
To the editor: Serving as your state representative on Beacon Hill is an incredible honor and privilege. Working to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our community, seeing the results of this effort and the positive impact this work has had on so many people is amazing. But our work is not done….