To the editor: Serving as your state representative on Beacon Hill is an incredible honor and privilege. Working to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our community, seeing the results of this effort and the positive impact this work has had on so many people is amazing. But our work is not done….
Tully running for 9th Middlesex seat
Stacey Gallagher Tully of Waltham has announced her candidacy for State Representative for the 9th Middlesex District, which includes all of Lincoln and part of Waltham and has been held by Rep. Thomas Stanley since 2001. Tully, a Waltham native, serves on Waltham’s Board of Recreation in the City of Waltham and as president of the Friends of Waltham Senior Citizens. She is…
McLean Hospital to go before Planning Board on May 24
Representatives from McLean Hospital will hold a meeting for neighborhood residents this Wednesday and will appear at a Planning Board meeting later this month to explain and answer questions about their controversial plan to house patients in a large house on Bypass Road. Questions and protests arose after it became known that McLean had purchased abutting properties…
Minuteman school building project hits another snag
The Minuteman High School building project hit yet another snag last week when voters in Belmont rejected a bond measure to help fund the new building—even as planning has begun for what to do with the land that will be freed up by the old building’s demolition. Under the terms of the regional school district agreement, member towns…
McLean Hospital plans teen residential facility on Bypass Road
By Alice Waugh Bypass Road residents, including a member of the town’s Board of Health, are furious about a proposal by McLean Hospital to open a residential facility for teens and young adults in their neighborhood, saying they were given no opportunity to comment before Lincoln’s town counsel issued an opinion saying that the facility was exempt from the…
House allocates $1.72 million in state aid for Lincoln
The $39.5 billion state budget bill for fiscal 2017 unanimously passed by the state House of Representatives last month includes $1.72 million in state aid for Lincoln, according to Rep. Thomas Stanley (9th Middlesex). “I’m thrilled with the state aid Lincoln received in the House budget, including my amendment that was adopted to assist the town’s financial burden for the…
MBTA monopole session postponed
Tonight’s scheduled presentation to the Planning Board about a plan to build three monopoles along the commuter-rail right of way in Lincoln has been postponed after federal officials recommended reclassifying the proposal as a multi-use WiFi project. At the request of Lincoln officials, MBTA representatives had planned to attend tonight’s Planning Board meeting to answer questions about the agency’s proposal to…
News acorns
Climate justice film series kicks off Tuesday St. Anne’s-in-the-Fields Church will show Just Eat It, the first in a series of films on climate justice, on Tuesday, April 26. A soup supper will be served at 6:30 p.m. and screening begins at 6:50 p.m. The evening is free and open to the public, though a donation to…
Lincoln gets state money for road work
Lincoln will receive more than $250,000 as part of a state bond authorization that will result in funding to help municipalities complete road, bridge and other infrastructure improvement projects. Every spring, the state legislature allots funding to each town based on road miles and population, said Chris Bibbo, superintendent of the Lincoln Department of Public…
Letter to the editor: town resources for questions on roads
To the editor: This letter is from the Board of Selectmen to participants in the LincolnTalk discussion forum on roads, as well as all Lincoln residents. In recent days, there has been considerable dialogue in LincolnTalk regarding questions and concerns with roads. Public safety on our roads is a primary responsibility of the Board of…