Town Meeting news acorns
The Lincoln Squirrel will publish more stories about the March 19 Town Meting in coming days. Meanwhile, here are a few other warrant articles that were discussed. Ballot questions There will be two questions on the March 28 town election ballot that were also discussed at Town Meeting: A request for $320,000 for the Department of…
Budget approved; property taxes to drop by 0.5%
By Alice Waugh At Saturday’s Town Meeting, residents approved a fiscal 2017 general government budget of $35.13 million, which will result in an decrease in the median property tax bill of about 0.7 percent, even after factoring in a $320,000 capital exclusion for buying DPW equipment. The for fiscal 2017 is estimated at $13,204 based…
Town Meeting applauds service of Eckhouse and others
By Alice Waugh At an Annual Town Meeting notable for relatively little controversy, attendees were at their noisiest during several standing ovations for fellow Lincoln residents who have given volunteer service to the town in various capacities. The most prominent retiree was Selectman Noah Eckhouse, who decided not to run for a third three-year term…
Letter to the editor: Brooks seeks reelection as Town Clerk
Letter to the editor: Robinson running again for Board of Assessors
To the editor, I am a candidate for re-election as a member of the Lincoln Board of Assessors. During my years on the board, we have worked to maintain an organization responsive to the town’s and citizens’ needs. At the same time, we continually refine our ability to meet our obligation to the state of…
The March 17 article headlined “Voters urged to OK a new school funding application” incorrectly stated that this was the second year in a row that the MSBA had turned down Lincoln’s funding request (it was actually the 2013 and 2015 requests). Also, Eric Harris is a member of the Finance Committee, not the School…
Letter to the editor: vote ‘yes’ on Article 28
Voters urged to OK a new school funding application
By Alice Waugh Four town boards have unanimously recommended that residents authorize the town to apply again to the state for funding for a comprehensive school project. The Board of Selectmen and the Finance, School, and Capital Planning Committees unanimously voted earlier this week to recommend a “yes” vote on Article 28 at Town Meeting…
Letter to the editor: vote no on ‘dark skies’ again
To the editor: Article 34 at Town Meeting on Saturday is a replay of last year’s failed effort by the Planning Board to limit the choice of light fixtures and bulbs used outside homes and businesses. It should be defeated for these reasons: It limits the selection of outdoor fixtures to those that do not…