Lincoln attorney Peter Georgiou, a candidate for the Governor’s Council in the upcoming primary election in September, will be featured at a debate on Saturday, March 12 in Bemis Hall. The event, which is sponsored by the Lincoln Democratic Town Committee, will serve to introduced Georgiou and the other candidates and inform Lincoln voters of the role the…
Residents invited to get greener with free home energy assessment
The Green Energy Committee (GEC) and the town of Lincoln are sponsoring the Lincoln Energy Challenge, a new residential initiative to help reduce overall energy use and save money on energy costs. The ultimate goal is to decrease Lincoln’s residential energy use 10 percent by 2020. Thanks to government incentives and advances in technology, many…
Planning Board candidate #3: Jennifer Morris Gundy
Editor’s note: This is the third of three articles on candidates for the Lincoln Planning Board, which has three candidates running for two seats. We featured Steve Gladstone on Thursday and Margaret Olson on Friday. Olson’s piece initially omitted her address and cell phone number, which have since been added. Jennifer Morris Gundy To the editor:…
Planning Board candidate #2: Margaret Olson
Editor’s note: This is the second of three articles on candidates for the Lincoln Planning Board, which has three candidates running for two seats. Yesterday, we featured Steve Gladstone, and on Saturday we will feature Jennifer Morris Gundy. Next week we will have an article about Board of Selectman candidate James Craig, who is running…
Planning Board candidate #1: Steve Gladstone
Editor’s note: This is the first of three articles on candidates for the Lincoln Planning Board, which has three candidates running for two seats. Tomorrow will feature incumbent Margaret Olson and Saturday will feature Jennifer Morris Gundy. Next week we will have an article about Board of Selectman candidate James Craig, who is running unopposed for the…
Kasich winners clustered around Lincoln
Many of the 16 Massachusetts towns that went for John Kasich in the March 1 Republican primary are mostly in the Lincoln area but also include Amherst, Brookline, Cambridge and Wenham as well as Egremont and Mount Washington on the state’s western border, according to a map published by the Boston Globe on March 2. Donald Trump won…
Lincoln goes for Kasich, Clinton in presidential primary
Letter to the editor: Sanders is on the ‘right side’ of questions
To the editor: In the lively and much appreciated discussion in the Squirrel on the Democratic candidates, I have seen people I respect supporting Hillary Clinton. While it would be historic to elect a woman president, I am concerned more about the rest of the history that will some day be written about the next…
The first paragraph of the article headlined “Town Meeting warrant article includes modest budget increase” incorrectly implied that the town’s proposed FY17 general budget total of $35,126,576 includes the amounts requested by the Capital Planning Committee and the Community Preservation Committee. The paragraph has been updated to more accurately reflect the allocation of funds….
Letter to the editor: Minuteman withdrawal ‘outrageously short-sighted’
(Editor’s note: Antia is Lincoln’s representative on the Minuteman School Committee.) To the editor: I want to thank the 200 or so people that took the time to come to the Special Town Meeting last Tuesday evening. This was a huge commitment and possibly an imposition, but know that is was appreciated. That does not…