To the editor, With all due respect for those who share a passion for and commitment to electoral politics, I must express my disappointment with any who would assume my support for any candidate would be dictated by gender or even a lengthy résumé (see comment to the February 24 letter to the editor). My support…
Corrections to budget article
The February 23 Lincoln Squirrel article originally headlined “Town Meeting warrant includes 3.1% hike for general budget” cited an incorrect figure for the current fiscal year 2016 budget, which is $34,940,266 and not $33,530,580 (the latter is actually the FY 2015 figure). The proposed budget for FY 2017 is $35,126,576, which represents a one-year increase of…
Letter to the editor: vote for Hillary Clinton on Tuesday
To the editor: This has been a remarkable campaign season. Let us celebrate the energy that flows from frustration with our governance in Washington and demands change. Let us also unite behind the candidate who can best preserve the progress we have made on health care, employment, civil rights, climate change, education, protecting consumers, foreign…
Lincoln withdraws from Minuteman school district
Lincoln became the fourth town to withdraw from the Minuteman High School district with a vote capping two and a half hours of discussion at a Special Town Meeting Tuesday night.
More than 200 people filled Brooks auditorium and part of the lecture hall for the February 23 meeting, where residents were asked to vote on whether to withdraw from the district and whether to approve the district’s new regional agreement. The final vote on withdrawal was a voice vote with roughly two dozen residents voting nay.
Town Meeting warrant includes modest budget hike
Editor’s note: This article, formerly headlined “Town Meeting warrant includes 3.1% hike for general budget,” was substantially updated on February 29 and February 26 to reflect corrections.
By Alice Waugh
At the Annual Town Meeting on March 19, residents will be asked to approve a general government budget of $35,126,576, a Community Preservation Committee (CPC) total of $798,582, and a capital exclusion for DPW equipment of $320,000. The general budget includes Capital Planning Committee amounts of $357,801 in cash capital and $175,400 in maintenance.
Letter to the editor: FinCom supports Minuteman withdrawal
To the editor:
At Special Town Meeting on Tuesday night, Lincoln will reconsider the nature of our continued involvement in the Minuteman school district. The Finance Committee encourages voters of the town to attend the meeting and consider this important question.
Minuteman has served several generations of our students admirably, providing an excellent vocational education for six Lincoln students, on average, over the last decade. The question in front of the town is not about eliminating that educational opportunity but is instead about the costs and risks of remaining a member town in the school district that guarantees and governs Minuteman.
Letter to the editor: campus report pays “little attention” to previous work
To the editor: I have read the report as published in the Squirrel recently as well as having had a chance to read the full report. Unfortunately I cannot agree with the characterization that the report is as well conceived as has been indicated. I have been a member of the SBAC (School Building Advisory…
Lincoln Dems to caucus for state convention
The Lincoln Democratic Town Committee (LDTC) caucus for election of delegates and alternates to the June 4 Massachusetts Democratic State Convention will take place on Saturday, Feb. 20 starting at 9:30 a.m. in Bemis Hall. All Lincoln registered Democrats can attend, vote, and be elected; membership in the LDTC is not a prerequisite. The Lincoln Presidential Candidate Forum scheduled…
Residents learn about voc-tech options at forum
At least two area vocational high schools offer excellent academic and technical programs and could be a viable alternative for students if Lincoln withdraws from the Minuteman High School district, members of the Vocational Education Options Working Group (VEOWG) said at a public forum on Feb. 11.
Letter to the editor: CapComm recommends Minuteman withdrawal
To the editor:
Tonight, the Vocational Education Options Working Group will be holding a public forum to discuss their findings and offer the opportunity to ask questions about Lincoln’s vocational education options in advance of the upcoming Special Town Meeting. I encourage you to attend the meeting and learn about the various options and their implications.