Group forms to study vocational education possibilities The newly formed Vocational Education Options Working Group will hold its second meeting on January 11 to explore options for Lincoln students in the event the town decides to withdraw from the Minuteman High School district. At its first meeting on December 29, the group discussed its change and…
Letter to the editor: Wolf won’t run again for Planning Board
To the editor:
After serving two terms totaling 10 years on the Lincoln Planning Board, several times as chair or co-chair, my tenure is ending. As much as I have enjoyed these past years, I will not be seeking reelection in March. It is time for a newer, fresher resident to have a seat at the table.
Letter to the editor: many Minuteman issues to mull
(Editor’s note: the most recent Lincoln Squirrel article about Minuteman can be found here.)
To the editor:
Minuteman High School has become an important topic of discussion here in Lincoln. On Tuesday, Feb. 23, we will have a Special Town Meeting at which we will be asked to decide if we want to remain in the Minuteman School District. There are many incredibly complex issues to be examined and an informed decision will require much thought, consideration, and understanding from all of us.
Letter to the editor: examine options, trade-offs for projects in 2016
To the editor,
As we approach the New Year, we have much to be thankful for and much to consider. Our form of governance—run by dedicated volunteers and an open town meeting where we all have an opportunity to shape our community life—is certainly something we should celebrate.
In early November, we had just such an opportunity at our annual State of the Town as we discussed moving forward with a much-needed school building and campus planning project. The State of the Town added important new information as the town advances planning our community campus for future generations. The information presented at the meeting was almost exclusively focused on traffic, parking, regulatory, and space (land) use choices, as this was the scope of the charge to the Campus Master Planning Committee (CMPC) and their consultant. Potential costs were briefly mentioned.
Help is on the way for Five Corners intersection
By Alice Waugh Drivers entering the Five Corners intersection from Trapelo Road will soon encounter some changes designed to make the five-way intersection safer. Cars turning right onto Bedford Road from Trapelo Road will encounter a new stop sign between the library lawn and the flower pot. And drivers coming into the intersection from Trapelo Road…
Letter to the editor: leaf blower mailing questioned
To the editor: The Lincoln Leaf Blower Study Group recently sent a brochure to everyone in town in which it quoted a March 2014 statement by the Board of Health saying, “Exposure to high-intensity, episodic or long-duration noise and air particulate and vapor dispersion from leaf blowers represents significant potential health hazards to our citizens.”…
Key votes on Minuteman slated for Monday night
By Alice Waugh
Selectmen from towns in the Minuteman High School district met last week to endorse a new regional agreement with a few minor changes—including adding language that would allow Lincoln to leave the district along with several other towns without having to pay for the new school project.
Letter to the editor: Craig announces candidacy for Board of Selectmen
Editor’s note: Noah Eckhouse announced earlier today that he will not be running for reelection to the Board of Selectmen. To the editor: I am writing to announce my candidacy for the open seat on the Board of Selectman and to ask for your support. I am excited by the opportunity to bring my skills, experience…