The Lincoln Squirrel is gathering statements from the candidates in the town election that takes place March 30. First up: the three candidates who are running for two seats on the Planning Board, which is the only contested race this year: incumbent Lynn DeLisi, challenger and former board member Robert Domnitz, and incumbent Rick Rundell….
2020 Presidential primary results for Lincoln
As he did statewide, former Vice President Joe Biden won the Democratic presidential primary in Lincoln. However, Lincoln’s second-place finisher was Elizabeth Warren rather than the statewide #2, Bernie Sanders. He and Michael Bloomberg were tied for third place in Lincoln with 16% each. In Lincoln’s Republican primary, former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld garnered 22%…
Correction and clarification
The February 27 article headlined “$3.5m cut from school project, but alternate funding is a possibility” erroneously implied that money in the town’s free cash account and the money that was recommended for spending on the public safety radio system were two different things. In fact, the radio-system sum was budgeted by the Finance Committee…
News acorns
Civil disobedience training, climate film at St. Anne’s St. Anne’s-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church is offering nonviolent civil disobedience training on Saturday, Feb. 29 from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. The fight to reduce carbon emissions is “heating up,” and some citizens have realized that conventional forms of advocacy and political activism to combat climate change are not bringing…
Water usage rates to go up by 28%, base charges by 43%
By Alice Waugh Water usage rates will be going up by 28% as of April 1, and the quarterly base charge will also go up from $35 to $50 for homeowners following a public hearing and Water Commission vote on February 25. The commission also voted to start assessing base charges by dwelling unit rather…
News acorns
Volunteers sought for Pierce House Committee, CapCom The Board of Selectmen is seeking interested volunteers for the Capital Planning Committee and the Pierce House Committee. The Capital Planning Committee (CapCom) is charged with evaluating capital requests as well as maintenance funding requests. Members are tasked with evaluating each proposal for need, viability, and the effect on operating budgets….
Planning Board has the only contested seat in upcoming town election
By Alice Waugh Signatures have been gathered and papers filed to decide who will be on the ballot for the town election on March 30 (see full list below). And despite an earlier flurry of interest by would-be candidates for Water Commission, the Planning Board will have the only contested race, where three residents —…
Residents argue pros and cons of South Lincoln rezoning
By Alice Waugh A proposal to rezone part of South Lincoln met with opposition last week as residents worried about ceding too much control to the Planning Board for building projects in that area. More than 60 residents packed the Town Hall conference room for the second public forum on the rezoning proposals, which was…
Water Commission proposes 30% rate hike
By Alice Waugh The Water Commission has proposed a water rate increase of 30%, along with a base meter rate hike from $35 per quarter to $50. In addition, the base meter charge for multi-unit complexes would be assessed on a per-dwelling basis, not by a per-meter basis as has been done in the past….