To the editor: I am writing in support of Gary Taylor’s candidacy to the Planning Board. I have known Gary through a number of years, having first worked with him when I was chair of the Finance Committee in the early 1990s. He is a thoughtful and energetic individual who would bring his much-needed skills…
News acorns – 3/5/15
Addendum to Kanner letter
The letter to the editor about outdoor lighting regulations from Steven Kanner has been modified to reflect a paragraph that was inadvertently omitted when it was published on March 3.
Town meeting shuttle service offered; carpooling recommended
The Town of Lincoln Annual Town Meeting will take place Saturday, March 28 beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the Brooks School auditorium on Ballfield Road. As an open Town Meeting, all Lincoln citizens are encouraged to attend and participate. Lincoln residents should receive their Town Meeting packets, including the Town Report and the Financial Section and Warrant, on or about March 21. More information can be found on this Town of Lincoln webpage.
Due to the expected turnout for Town Meeting and the limited parking spaces available at the school complex, the town is asking residents to carpool. Also, the town is offering a shuttle service from the Lincoln commuter lot (the non-resident paved lot) to the school from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. The shuttle will run continuously throughout Town Meeting.
Make preserves at deCordova on March 7
Letter to the editor: questions on lighting proposals
(Addendum, 3/5/14: The paragraph beginning with “Fourth, what about…” was added after this letter was published.)
(Editor’s note: Kanner references a letter to the Lincoln Journal by Margaret Olson for which the link is unavailable, but the Lincoln Squirrel published a similar letter from her on February 23.)
To the editor,
I believe the outdoor lighting issue is a bit more complex and potentially disruptive than Margaret Olson of the planning board suggested in her letter Friday, Feb. 27 to the Lincoln Journal, at the same time as I also support Lincoln as a delightfully idiosyncratic quasi-rural community and share the concern about excessive regional ambient light.
Letter to the editor: “surprised” at First Parish remarks
To the editor: I, like many other Lincoln residents, was surprised by the harsh quotes in last week’s article about First Parish Church’s ongoing interactions with the Planning Board. As someone who has no opinion on the reasonableness of the church’s proposed plans for expansion, I can only say that it was painful to read…
Letter to the editor: Proposed changes to Lincoln Station zoning
To the editor: At this year’s Town Meeting, the Planning Board is proposing for the town’s consideration two zoning amendments to further the goals of the 2014 Lincoln Station Planning Study. These will be found under Articles 37 and 38 of the Town Meeting warrant. Together these amendments are intended to promote private sector development in the…
Letter to the editor: Flint responds on First Parish
(Editor’s note: In her letter, Margaret Flint refers to a February 24 article in the Lincoln Squirrel that incorrectly stated that the First Parish Church has been trying for 12 years to win formal approval from town boards to expand the Stearns Room, when in fact it has been doing so only since 2012. The earlier article…
Letter to the editor: reelect Nancy Marshall
To the editor: It is of the utmost importance that Nancy Marshall be reelected to the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee. I have known and worked with Nancy for more years than I like to remember and have always found her to be sensible, practical, and financially responsible. In addition and maybe more important, she thinks first of the students and…
News acorns – 2/28/15
Codman Community Farms to hold CSA presentation at annual meeting
Codman Community Farms’ annual meeting, which is open to the public, will be held on Thursday, March 12 at the Pierce House from 6:30-8 p.m. Meet the newest board members for CCF and enjoy chili made with Codman Farm-raised grass-fed beef, beverages, coffee and desserts. The meeting will begin with election by CCF members of new board members Brendan Coughlin, John Mendelson, Dana (DJ) Mitchell and George Travis, followed by a panel presentation at 7 p.m. on “Community-Supported Agriculture and Locally Grown Food.” The panel will include directors, farmers and CSA coordinators from local farms in Lincoln and surrounding towns, including Ed Barker, executive director of Land’s Sake in Weston; Eric Robichaud, head farmer at CCF; and Ari Kurtz, owner and farmer of Lindentree Farm in Lincoln. The panel will discuss the latest trends in the growing farm-to-table movement and answer questions from the audience.
To find out more about Codman Farm’s meat CSA (which runs through June) or discuss a prorated share. visit or call 781-259-0456.
Multi-board meeting to discuss Town Meeting questions on school project
To learn more about the Town Meeting warrant articles relating to a school building project and the context in which they will be considered, the public is invited to attend a multi-board meeting/public forum on Tuesday, March 17 at 7 p.m. in the Reed Gym. For more information, see this letter to the editor from School Committee chair Jennifer Glass.
State senators do Commonwealth tour on Monday
Letter to the editor: school building warrant articles
(Editor’s note: click here for the most recent news story about the school building project, or use the search box in the right-hand column of the page to find older stories.)
To the editor:
At the March 28 Annual Town Meeting, the Lincoln School Committee will ask the community to consider three warrant articles related to a Lincoln School building project. The School Building Advisory Committee (SBAC), which was reconstituted by a vote at last year’s Town Meeting, has worked over the past 12 months to develop a wide variety of project concepts that range from repair projects at one end, to comprehensive renovation projects (repairs + systems upgrades + educational enhancements) at the other. For detailed information, the SBAC’s final report documents are here, and hard copies are available in the Lincoln Public Library and the superintendent’s office.
Public hearing next week on Community Preservation funding
The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 3 at 7 p.m. in the second-floor hearing room in the Town Office Building to discuss proposals that have been submitted this year and to identify those that will be recommended for approval at Town Meeting on March 28.
This year, the CPC received 12 proposals, of which eight are still under consideration. The total of requested funding is $1,222,075. The proposals in order of amount are: