A subgroup of the reconstituted School Building Advisory Committee (SBAC) is in the process of selecting a school design consultant, and the School Committee is tentatively scheduled to award a contract on July 23. At Town Meeting in March, Lincoln voters approved spending up to $250,000 to hire a consultant who would define renovation solutions for…
Letter to the editor: Uphold First Parish decision
(Editor’s note: The First Parish Church will go before the Zoning Board of Appeals on June 19 to appeal the Planning Board’s denial of the its request to extend one side of the Stearns Room—see the Lincoln Squirrel, May 15, 2014.)
To the editor:
Ever since the 1700s, Lincoln residents have been concerned about development pressures and carefully crafted thoughtful mechanisms to preserve their beloved agrarian community. In the 1730s, area farmers led by the Flint family began a lengthy effort to separate and remain agrarian. The first step was to convince the Great and General Court that there was a need to be a distinct, self-governing community. The key lay in establishing that travel to existing parishes was prohibitive during certain seasons. Thus, they should be able to create their own parish, easily accessible to area farmers. Land was donated by the Flint family for both a parish building and for a cemetery.
Community Center exploration moves forward
Six residents and three town officials have been named to the new Community Center Study Committee, and the town is advertising for a consultant to look at various options for a facility to house groups including the Council on Aging and the Parks and Recreation Department. The request for proposals from consultants is the next…
Lincoln’s Antia sets sights on state legislature
Letter to the editor: Support hospice project
To the editor:
I am writing to invite you to join me in supporting a meaningful and important project in Lincoln.
As you may know, Care Dimensions, a nonprofit organization with 35 years of experience in hospice care, has purchased land on Winter Street on the Waltham/Lincoln line to build a beautiful inpatient Hospice Center to provide medical, emotional, social and spiritual care for people in their final days of life.
June events at the Council on Aging
Below are June events sponsored by the Lincoln Council on Aging. For more information, call the COA at 781-259-8811.
Coffee with artist Ellen Milan
June 5 at 2:30 p.m.
Indulge your senses in the grace and liveliness of paintings on silk, prints, pastels, and scratch board engravings by Ellen Milan in the Bemis Hall Artists Gallery this month. You are also invited to meet Ellen at the “Coffee with the Artist” on June 5 at 2:30 p.m.Ellen’s work has been included in public and private collections and shows in Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New York, Israel and Europe. Locally, her work has been part of group shows at the Danforth Museum, Concord Art Association and elsewhere. Last year she had exhibitions at the Lincoln Library and the Harvey Wheeler Community Center. You can see the full scope of her work in various media, including wearable art, at www.ellenmilan.com.
Attorney general candidates share views at Lincoln forum
U.S. Rep. Clark to appear at May 22 HATS meeting
The Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS) has announced that Congresswoman Katherine Clark will appear at the HATS meeting on Thursday, May 22 starting at approximately 7:30 p.m. in the Lincoln Town Offices’ in the Donaldson Room. The meeting will be open to the public and will be televised on Lincoln local access channels.
Letter to the editor: Thanks for L-S funding
To the editor: The Lincoln Sudbury School Committee and administration thank the citizens of Lincoln and Sudbury for approving the capital requests, for this year’s technology infrastructure improvements at the high school, at the respective town meetings. We also thank officials from both towns for providing feedback and encouragement through the capital request. The high…
Kennedy eyed as next Lincoln police chief
Lt. Kevin Kennedy, a longtime member of the Lincoln Police Department, is in line to become the town’s next chief of police and will be formally interviewed by the Board of Selectmen at its May 12 meeting. Kennedy, who has been with the Lincoln police for 22 years, would succeed retiring Chief of Police Kevin…