Film: “The River and the Wall” There will be a free screening of the documentary “The River and the Wall” on Friday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. in Bemis Hall. Filmmaker Ben Masters and colleagues traveled 1,200 miles along the U.S.-Mexico border via horse, mountain bike, and canoe. Sponsored by the Lincoln Democratic Town Committee….
Council on Aging activities in October
Celebrate nature in a watercolor class with Jane
October 4 at 9 a.m.
Rediscover your joyful soul through art and nature in Jane Cooper’s watercolor class. Enjoy painting scenes of nature, landscapes or some favorite sky. Two classes of four sessions each will be offered on Fridays and Mondays beginning Fridays, Oct. 4 and 21 from 9–11 a.m. The cost is $30 for each class of four sessions, materials included. Call the COA at 781-259-8811 to sign up.
Musical jazz lunch
October 4 at 12 p.m.
Celebrate fall by grabbing a table at Bemis while the Lincoln Traditional Jazz Band serenades you with good old tunes. Bring old friends. Make new ones. Bring a bag lunch and, if you like, food purchased already prepared at the store to share. The COA provides beverages and dessert. The band will play on Friday, Oct. 4 starting at noon.
Lincoln Academy with John Getsinge — Evolution of Science, Episode 2: Tom Swift and the Quantum Annihilator
October 7 at 12:30 p.m.
Come to Bemis Hall on Monday, Oct. 7 at 12:30 p.m. when John Getsinger discusses “Evolution of Science, Episode 2. Tom Swift and the Quantum Annihilator.” From the publication of quantum math, matrix, and wave in 1928 to the invention of the digital computer, artificial intelligence, atomic fission, quantum annihilation, Tom swiftly foresees electronics technology, intelligent military robots, atomic bombs and… universal nonexistence. What can Tom Swift do to counter the existential threat to all humanity posed by the possibility of the Quantum Annihilator? Tune in for the thrilling sequel. The COA provides beverages and dessert. The lectures last about an hour, including a question and answer period. Participants are welcome to stay after the program to continue their discussion. All ages welcome.
Learn and play mah jongg
October 7 at 1 p.m.
Have you always wanted to learn mah jongg? Are you a new or former player looking to improve your skills? Are you an experienced player looking for a friendly game? Come to Bemis Hall each Monday from 1–4 p.m. for mah jongg lessons for those who would like to learn as well as a drop-in game for those who know how to play. Mah jongg is an exciting tile game which offers many of the same cognitive benefits as chess and bridge. Bring your own card or we will provide one for $9. For information or to register for lessons or a game, contact Joan Ingersoll at or 781-259-8811.
News acorns
Join Sept. 20 climate strike via 9:09 Lincoln train On Friday, Sept. 20, many members of the Lincoln community plan to attend the Boston Youth Climate Strike at Boston City Hall and will board the 9:09 am train at Lincoln Station (see this letter to the editor). Around the country and around the globe, young…
News acorns
“Embrace Change” sessions at library cancelled All evening sessions of the “Embrace Change” series at the Lincoln Library have been cancelled. Daytime programs will be held at Pierce House as scheduled (see updated News Acorns, Sept. 4, 2019). For more information, see Garden Club event for prospective members All Lincoln residents with an interest…
News acorns
Saori weaving workshop at deCordova Join artist Mihoko Wakabayashi to explore the practice of Saori weaving, a freestyle contemporary weaving technique that emphasizes spontaneity and freedom of expression, on Sunday, Sept. 8 at the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum(half-day and full-day sessions available). Create for a half-day to produce a nature-inspired wall hanging, or both…
Efforts move ahead to highlight importance of Battle Road Byway
A new regional website,, highlights the history and activities along the Battle Road — the path that British troops followed during the battles that started the American Revolution on April 19, 1775. The route runs along 15 miles of roads in Arlington, Lexington, Lincoln, Concord, and the Minuteman National Historical Park, with an additional…
Historic but dilapidated Flint homestead plans public event to raise awareness
By Alice Waugh One of Lincoln’s founding families is hoping to maintain their centuries-old farmstead for years to come by raising money to turn it into a museum and education center — an effort that will launch with a public event in September. A few years ago, Tom Flint and his sisters — the 12th…
Council on Aging activities in June
Free wellness clinics for all ages June 4 at 10 a.m. Place: Lincoln Woods Meet with a nurse at 50 Wells Road in Lincoln Woods on Tuesday, June 4 (note new day this month only) from 10 a.m.–noon or Bemis Hall on Tuesday, June 18 from 9–11 a.m. Blood pressure, nutrition and fitness, medication management,…
Council on Aging activities in May
Musical jazz lunch
May 3 at 12:30 p.m.
Celebrate the end of the week by grabbing a table at Bemis while the Lincoln Traditional Jazz Band serenades you with familiar good old tunes. Bring a bag lunch and, if you like, food purchased already prepared to share. The COA provides beverages and dessert.
Watercolor class with Jane
May 6 and 20 at 9 a.m.
Rediscover your joyful soul through art and nature in Jane Cooper’s watercolor class. Two classes of four sessions each will be offered on Mondays and Fridays from 9 to 11 a.m. beginning Mondays, May 6 and 20. The cost is $30 for each class of four sessions, materials included. Call the COA at 781-259-8811 to sign up.
Lincoln Academy with Timothy Johnson, MD: The future of medicine
May 6 at 12:30 p.m.
Dr. Johnson will review current problems with American health care and propose possible solutions for each. He will also predict what will happen in the next ten years. Johnson was the chief medical correspondent for ABC News, giving medical information to millions of Americans in a way that was accurate yet accessible. The COA provides beverages and dessert. The lectures last about an hour, including a question and answer period. Participants are welcome to stay after the program to continue their discussion. All ages welcome.
Noticing walks with John Calabria
May 7 at 1 p.m.
Location: TBD
Enjoy a gently paced walk through nature guided by John Calabria on May 7 from 1–2:30 p.m. at a location posted at
Boy Scouts retrace 1775 Minute Men march through Lincoln
Shortly after sunrise on Friday, April 19, some 60 Boy Scouts and adult leaders met to hike in the historic pathway of American Revolution events of April 19, 1775. They were following the Minutemen’s Pursuit Trail, a National Historic Trail of the Boy Scouts of America that was created by the Spirit of Adventure Council…