The Lincoln GearTicks, known for their high-tech robotic wizardry, applied their talents to a historical enterprise when they recently brought two donation boxes into the 21st century. At Minute Man National Historical Park (MMNHP), visitors often drop coins and bills into the lantern-shaped donation boxes, which have to be designed in a way that prevents tampering…
March activities at the Council on Aging
Domestic Violence Services Network office hours March 1 at 10 a.m. If you are experiencing violence or abuse by a family member, whether physical, emotional or sexual, or you are concerned about someone who is, come to Bemis Hall on Wednesday, March 1 between 10 a.m. and noon to have a confidential discussion with an advocate…
Minuteman High School prepares for hearings and looks for artifacts
Public hearings with two town boards are scheduled for the new Minuteman High School project starting this week. Meanwhile, a recent archeological dig at the site of the new building in Lincoln did not turn up any historically significant artifacts. The Planning Board will hold a public hearing for site plan review on Tuesday, Feb….
News acorns
Library seeks Board of Trustees member The Trustees of the Lincoln Public Library announce that there is an opening for a self-perpetuating trustee on the board, and they encourage interested Lincoln residents to apply. A summary of the trustee responsibilities is available at the library circulation desk. Under guidelines adopted for the appointment of self-perpetuating…
Council on Aging activities in February
Domestic Violence Services Network office hours February 1 at 10 a.m. If you are experiencing violence or abuse by a family member, whether physical, emotional, or sexual, or you are concerned about someone who is, come to Bemis Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 1 between 10 a.m. and noon to have a confidential discussion with an…
2016: the year in review (part 1)
June Bemis Hall unveils new space New co-ed softball league is fielding teams Flint’s Pond fire yields unique research opportunity Event marks completion of new Hanscom Middle School May Residents turn out in force against McLean proposal Lincoln resident bilked out of more than $1.4 million Minuteman school building project hits another snag McLean Hospital…
News acorns
Seeking wellness practitioners for Winter Carnival A winter wellness fair is in the works as part of Lincoln’s Winter Carnival at the end of January. Any practitioner in town whose practice can be categorized as holistic, wellness, complementary, integrative, or alternative is welcome to be present to showcase their practices and share wisdom. The proposed time slot…
News acorns
Members sought for South Lincoln planning group The Planning Board is looking for residents to participate in the South Lincoln Planning Implementation Committee (SLPIC), one of two new groups intended to promote business development in town. The SLPIC hopes to create a more vibrant, attractive place at the hub of Lincoln where businesses, the MBTA station…
Modern technology sheds light on Revolutionary War battle in Lincoln area
The Friends of Minute Man National Park have released the final archaeology report on the Parker’s Revenge battle – the April 19, 1775 encounter in which Captain John Parker engaged the British regulars on their march back from Concord through Lincoln to Boston. Parker was commander of the Lexington colonial militia that exchanged fire in Lexington…
News acorns
Pie-ordering deadline extended The deadline for ordering Thanksgiving pies to benefit (FELS (Foundation for Educators at Lincoln Sudbury) has been extended to Friday, Nov. 11. See the Nov. 2, 2016 “News acorns” for details on how to order. Experts to discuss executive function strategies for students Dan Levine and Melissa Wilson of Engaging Minds will…