Using a new interactive website, residents can look at a map of South Lincoln, see some of the improvements being discussed, and add their own comments and suggestions. The project page at was created for the Lincoln Planning Board and the South Lincoln Planning Implementation Committee (SLPIC), which are working to make the area around Lincoln Station…
land use
Roadside pasture getting ready for return of the cows
The narrow pasture between Drumlin Farm and the railroad tracks along Route 117 is being cleared and fenced in preparation for the return of a quintessentially Lincoln sight: cattle grazing in roadside fields. The area was historically known as the “night pasture” because it was where the cows were turned out to graze in the…
Lincoln property sales in August 2017
News acorns
Public hearings coming up The Lincoln Planning Board will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 10 to review an application for a sign permit. The applicant, Sujit Sitole, proposes to construct a directory sign at 152 Lincoln Rd. The Lincoln Historical Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 10…
Board approves study of DPW site
The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to authorize a study of the Department of Public Works site on Lewis Street that would look at options for repurposing the site as part of a potential South Lincoln rezoning effort. Before the vote, several residents spoke against the study, fearing that the DPW will eventually be relocated…
Letter to the editor: CCPPDC offers updates
To the editor: “Community Center Preliminary Planning and Design Committee”—with a name like that, we can’t help but succeed in our mission to bring a preliminary design to the town for consideration when discussing the current state of and future goals for the Ballfield Road campus. The townfolk spoke and the town representatives heard you:…
Public hearings coming up
Planning Board The Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. to review an application for Site Plan Review. The applicant, Robert Domnitz, 21 Mill St., proposes to add a ground-mounted solar array. Zoning Board of Appeals The Zoning Board of the Appeals of the Town of Lincoln will…
Public hearings coming up
Historic District Commission The Historic District Commission will hold public hearings on Tuesday, Sept. 5 starting at 7:30 p.m. to consider the followng applications: Michael Barnicle and Anne Finucane for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a new structure known as a sleeping cottage at 20 Trapelo Rd. John and Lara MacLachlan to replace 15…
Letter to the editor: DPW proposal generates important questions
To the editor: I was heartened to read the story (“Residents wary of planned study on relocation of DPW,” August 14, 2017) about the July 31 Board of Selectmen meeting where several Lincoln residents voiced strong objections to the proposal within the South Lincoln Planning and Implementation Committee (SLPIC) to relocate the DPW facility to…