In preparation for the March 25 Town Meeting, the Lincoln Squirrel is publishing an updated and expanded expanded recap of news stories and letters to the editor on some of the issues to be voted on. The full warrant list can be found here. Wang property acquisition (article 11) News stories: Video explains financing and…
letters to the editor
Letter to the editor: Solomon asks for your vote
To the editor: Hello. I, Stan(ley J.) Solomon, am a candidate for the three-year Bemis Trustee opening. My wife is Susan Solomon. We have lived at The Commons for approaching six years. Before that, we lived in Lexington for 50 years. I spent my spare time with BSA Troop 119. Susan was a Town Meeting member and…
Letter to the editor: Glass has excellent experience and attributes
To the editor: I’ve had the distinct pleasure of working closely with Jennifer on the Lincoln School Committee for four years, and for three of those years as vice chair when Jennifer was chair (she has served for nine years on Lincoln School Committee but we only overlapped for four of those years). She embodies all the…
Letter to the editor: Vote for Jennifer Glass
To the editor: Please support Jennifer Glass for selectwoman. As a member of the School Committee, I have worked with Jennifer during all her time on the committee. As much as I will miss her willingness to listen, her vision for the schools and the children, her patience and her leadership skills, I believe her…
Letter to the editor: Town Meeting challenge is finding balance
To the editor: This coming Saturday, at town Meeting, we face a serious challenge: maintaining balance. Our community has retained its small-town character, rather than simply becoming another bedroom suburb, by careful planning and discussion and debate with an eye on maintaining balance. Almost 25 percent of our populations are school age children and almost…
Letter to the editor: background on accessory apartment warrant articles
To the editor: Lincoln is renowned for its creative and resourceful strategies for developing affordable housing while working diligently to maintain its small-town character. Lincoln has a long history of addressing the systemic roots of economic and social inequity, as seen in the diversity of its housing stock and its inventory of affordable housing. Unlike…
Letter to the editor: water bottle ban would hurt businesses
To the editor: I am writing in opposition to Article 41 of the March 25 Town Meeting Warrant, the proposed ban on the sale of water in non-reusable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles of one liter or less. I have lived in Lincoln for more than 35 years. My family owns the two new restaurants in…
Letter to the editor: 8th-graders ask for Town Meeting support
To the editor: Make way! Here comes the renowned eighth-grade Warrant Article Group! What, you ask? The Warrant Article Group is a group of eighth-graders who had a dream—a dream to learn more about local government. Led by the town clerk and the town moderator, we have been able to fulfill this dream. Now we have to…
Letter to the editor: proposed bag/bottle ban is ‘an infringement of consumer rights’
(Editor’s note: The warrant articles in question would not ban all types of plastic bags and water bottles—see this February 28 Lincoln Squirrel story.) To the editor: There are two articles on the Town Meeting warrant that are of concern to Donelan’s Supermarkets. Article 41 and 42 propose to ban the use of plastic bags…
Letter to the editor: vote yes on community center feasibility study
To the editor: The warrant for the Annual Town Meeting on March 25 includes an article to approve $150,000 to fund “a feasibility study and preliminary design development plans for a community center to be located within the Hartwell Complex of the Ballfield Road school campus.” If funding for a school project feasibility study is…