Editor’s note: Tully is running an an independent against incumbent Rep Thomas Stanley (D). To the editor: My name is Stacey Gallagher Tully, candidate for state representative in the 9th Middlesex District, and I humbly ask for your vote on November 8th. I am running on a platform of ideas that will bring fresh thinking,…
letters to the editor
Letter to the editor: Newspapers all over U.S. agree on Hillary
To the editor: Hillary Clinton is the only responsible choice to elect as our next President. As a Lincoln resident, when I look at my two beautiful young granddaughters, I think it’s not just gender opportunity. As the Cincinnati Enquirer says, “…it’s the need to elect a leader who will bring out the best in all…
Letter to the editor: encourage less use of leaf blowers
(Editor’s note: Wilkerson is a member of the Lincoln Leaf Blower Study Committee, which has an official town web page and a Facebook page.) To the editor: Have you recently moved to Lincoln? Did peace and quiet figure prominently in your decision to live here? If so, I can imagine your surprise to find, at…
Letter to the editor: vote for Jill Stein
To the editor: Voters deserve and need to hear from a candidate for President who is honest about issues that concern all Americans and who provides concrete changes and solutions. They need to hear from a candidate who does not take any contributions from Wall Street bankers, corporations or billionaires. Voters are starving to hear from…
Letter to the editor: open debates to all
Letter to the editor: vote Georgiou for Governor’s Council
To the editor: Lincoln attorney and Lincoln Housing Commission member Peter Georgiou is a candidate for election to the Governor’s Council (3rd District) in the primary election on Thursday, September 8. As currently charged, the governor must seek the advice and consent of the Governor’s Council with respect primarily to nominations of judges. Georgiou’s successful 26-year legal practice specializes in…
Letter to the editor: new GMO labeling law doesn’t go far enough
(Editor’s note: Recent articles in Consumerist, The Atlantic and Science have more information on this issue.) To the editor: Recently Congress rushed through and President Obama signed bill S.764 into law. This new law has been called by some the “Deny Americans the Right to Know” (DARK) Act because it makes it nearly impossible for you and me to know…
Letter to the editor: respect political signs on town-owned land
To the editor: Political election and campaign time is approaching again, with the attendant practice of candidate signage. Judging by experiences in the past few elections, there seems to be a lack of understanding or appreciation regarding an interpretation of the Sign By-Law issued by the town of Lincoln in August 2012. In the words…
Letter to the editor: on McLean, act with compassion and support, not fear and anger
To the editor: I am not a medical professional (although I spent years as an IT expert, working closely with the physicians and staff at some of the largest and most prestigious medical institutions in the world). Nor am I an abutter of the McLean property on Bypass Road, though I am a Lincoln resident…
Letter to the editor: sale of rabbits not due to welfare concerns
Editor’s note: This letter refers to an exchange among many residents on the LincolnTalk email list about rabbits being raised for food at Codman Community Farms. To the editor: In response to the passionate dialogue about the sale of the Codman Farm rabbits, we want to set the record straight. The decision to sell our…