To the editor: Recent letters in various press outlets are, once again, calling attention to concerns about safety at the Five Corners intersection in the Lincoln Historic District (the “flower pot intersection”). And, as town officials have recently reminded us, our roadways are a “tricky business” and what’s old is new again. The Five Corners intersection,…
letters to the editor
Letter to the editor: Five Corners roundabout?
To the editor: I share concern #3 in Jonathan Rapaport’s letter to the editor. A big pickup truck towing a horse trailer southbound on Bedford Road turned left in front of the flower pot onto Trapelo and almost nailed my car while I waited by the stop sign. How about a rotary/roundabout, with the flower pot…
Letter to the editor: suggested fixes for Five Corners
(Editor’s note: This letter was originally addressed to Ken Bassett and Noah Eckhouse in response to their June 23 letter to the editor.) To the editor: While I agree that rerouting Weston Road or installing traffic lights may be farfetched fixes for Five Corners, there have been some constructive suggestions posted in the Lincoln Squirrel. And…
Letter to the editor: traffic flow management is “a tricky business”
To the editor: Traffic seems to be on all of our minds lately, after a difficult winter and a busy spring. We note renewed interest among some for review of traffic control signs and measures currently in place at the Five Corners intersection. This is a complex intersection, and what may feel like “obvious” design…
Letter to the editor: switch to renewable electricity sources
Editor’s note: This letter is signed by all members of the Lincoln Green Energy Technology Committee (GETC). To the editor: Residential electricity use can account for one-third or more of our personal carbon dioxide emissions, but Lincoln residents can now switch to renewably generated electricity with a short telephone call. Your bill and electricity distribution will still come from Eversource…
Letter to the editor: reroute Weston Road?
To the editor: In his recent letter to the editor, Gerry Lattimore is right: I’ve seen quite a few vehicles coming from Sandy Pond Road zipping down the wrong lane recently—very dangerous. Another aspect of this intersection—besides unclear markings/signage and bad sightlines—is the tremendous breadth of the intersection, which makes it harder to judge when…
Letter to the editor: yet more thoughts on Trapelo Road sign
Letter to the editor: pavement markings at Trapelo Road intersection?
To the editor: We live at the five-way intersection at the corner of Bedford and Sandy Pond Road where Trapelo Road ends at at the planted watering trough. I totally agree with Barbara Slayter’ s observations and suggestions, particularly the second, of writing “stop” on the pavement parallel to the pedestrian path—the point from which the…
Letter to the editor: Ideas for Trapelo Road intersection
Letter to the editor: Help Lincoln boomers build community
To the editor: On any given day, a visit to Bemis Hall will find it buzzing with activity and bursting at the seams with people socializing, participating in programs, volunteering, seeking counsel and more. And it’s about to get a lot busier, if a newly formed group of self-described “boomers” has anything to do with it. In…