To the editor: The recent letter in the Lincoln Squirrel from Mr. Pease—a proponent of the current design for the First Parish building project who has been part of the team advancing the application though the permitting process—is deeply disconcerting, and it raises questions regarding what values and commitment to the community are reflected by…
letters to the editor
Letter to the editor: trust between Flints and First Parish lost
To the editor: I believe most people, who have issues with the design proposed by the First Parish Building Committee for an addition to the White Church, are not “opposing the proposed new Stearns Room” project. There are legitimate concerns about specifics of the design that for the most part, have not been addressed in the many meetings…
Letter to the editor: concern about church committee’s “adversarial approach”
To the editor:
I fully understand and appreciate the First Parish may want to upgrade the Stearns Room to enhance after-service socializing and improve handicapped access. However, it is not clear why the Building Committee has adopted an adversarial approach to the process—one which antagonizes Lincoln neighbors near and far, divides the congregation, threatens lawsuit, disrespects certain town boards and alienates long-term benefactors.
Letter to the editor: How big is too big for Stearns Room?
(Editor’s note: This letter concerns the proposed expansion to the First Parish Church’s Stearns Room. The Planning Commission has continued a hearing on details of the plan, including the roofing material, until April 28. The church has already won zoning approval for the proposal.)
To the editor:
Are there no alternative treatments for expansion of this addition than the one proposed? A metal roof seems more appropriate on a contemporary structure than on the current historic church building even though it might have some energy-saving or environmental benefits.
Letter to the editor: church needs “welcoming” handicapped entrance
To the editor: The recent flurry of letters opposing the proposed new Stearns Room paints quite a picture—how dare those First Parish people desecrate our sacred space! The low-pitched sections of the roof will be metal, there’s a terrace, and glass windows without shutters! It will be bigger than it is now, and part of…
Letter to the editor: “blatant disrespect” from church building committee
To the editor: We have watched Margaret and Warren Flint Sr. and other Lincoln citizens work hard to preserve the unique character of the town of Lincoln. As participants of the Flint Realty Trust, we gave land to the church for a small addition to the Stearns Room and an uncovered terrace. The scope of…
Letter to the editor: impact of Stearns Room addition
Editor’s note: Fitzgerald is commenting on the April 16 letter from Margaret Flint. To the editor: As a former member of the Historic District Commission, I am surprised that the commission has not publicly voiced stronger objections to the significant expansion to this addition. It will be clearly visible not only to neighbors but to…
Letter to the editor: maintain “quality of life” near church
Editor’s note: The Planning Commission continued its April 14 hearing for the First Parish Church to April 28 at the request of the church, which still needs approval for its drainage and landscaping plans and the roof material for rebuilding the Stearns Room. It has already won zoning approval for the proposal. To the editor:…
Letter to the editor: “unwanted” things tend toward North Lincoln
To the editor: I totally agree with Eleanor Fitzgerald’s thoughts about the meager representation of North Lincoln on some of our boards. I don’t have “skin in the game” since I live in South Lincoln, but I have noticed over 40-plus years that the unwanted things tend to land in North Lincoln, which is already…
Letter to the editor: Marshall thanks voters
To the editor: I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the voters in Lincoln and Sudbury who supported my reelection to the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee for a third term. Thank you in particular to those who hosted and kept an eye on my campaign signs in their yard through the weeks of melting snow…