To the editor: We write to ask you to consider supporting Codman Community Farms (CCF) with a donation to our Vision 2020 Capital Campaign via our website or a check mailed to Codman Farm at 58 Codman Rd. Over the last three years, CCF has undergone a transformation. We hired Pete Lowy as Farm Manager in…
letters to the editor
Letter to the editor: concerns about leaf blower proposal
To the editor: I offer three of my own concerns about the leaf blower bylaw proposal for your consideration. If you share my concerns, I hope you will vote against this bylaw, regardless of its form or substance, at the Town Meeting. This will cost you money. By definition, this will limit the pool of…
Letter to the editor: come learn about ranked choice voting
To the editor: Our Massachusetts legislators have filed two bills to adopt ranked choice voting (RCV). It may be coming soon, here and around the country. Come join us at Bemis Hall this Sunday, March 10 at 3 p.m. to hear Jim Henderson of Voter Choice Massachusetts and cast your votes in a simulated RCV…
Letter to the editor: come to Saturday event on climate action
To the editor: Climate change is a matter of grave concern. I applaud the work of Sen. Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in their efforts to jump-start a bold response to global warming with their Green New Deal. The proposal still lacks metrics and clarity and is not likely to be approved by this Congress,…
Letter to the editor: response to leaf-blower proposal critique
To the editor: As a member of the Leaf Blower Study Committee, I thank Mr. Deck for his thoughtful critique of our initiative (Lincoln Squirrel, February 20, 2019). In truth, I find more common ground than I might have expected, and have only two points of disagreement. (1) Mr. Deck says his own leaf blower…
Letter to the editor: proposed leaf blower bylaw is an “overreach”
To the editor: In a recent posting to the Lincoln Squirrel (“Leaf blower issue comes before voters again,” February 18), proponents of a Town Meeting proposal to limit the use of leaf blowers describe their proposal as noncontroversial. I disagree, and I strongly urge Lincoln residents to oppose it in its current form. The proposal…
Letter to the editor: say no to MBTA fare increases
To the editor: I object to MBTA fare increases for the following reasons: Raising MBTA fares in Massachusetts on basically privatized public transportation that is neglected, decrepit, badly needs massive updating, and has already very costly fares unjustly penalizes those who most need public transportation to get to work and is not good for all…
Letter to the editor: ban e-cigarette sales at Town Meeting
To the editor: This year the 8th-grade Warrant Article Group (WAG), which consists of Emily Appleby, Aleco Buendia, David Christenfeld, Andrew Craig and Isaiah Jones, would like to ask Lincoln voters to support our proposition to ban the sale of e-cigarettes in town. We had hoped to ban all cigarettes, but after we took a…
Letter to the editor: Picker running for library trustee
To the editor: I am running for the open seat of Lincoln Library Trustee with a three-year term and I respectfully ask for your vote at the March 2019 town elections. The Lincoln Library is an esteemed, well patronized, core institution in our town that provides valuable services across all age groups. It is served…
Letter to the editor: Susan Taylor running for School Committee
Dear neighbors, I ask for your vote on March 25 for the two-year position on the Lincoln School Committee. With your support, I hope both to bring the perspective of my years in Lincoln community service and to pay forward the great benefit that Lincoln’s commitment to education has given to my now-adult children. My…