To the editor: The recent flurry of activity has flooded my inbox with schools-related information and commentary. Committees, individual residents, and town leaders have made notable and at times insightful observations on what is a path forward that will best serve the educational needs of future generations. All of that is fine. But in the…
letters to the editor
Letter to the editor: what is a net zero building?
Editor’s note: This piece by Sue Klem of Lincoln’s Green Energy Committee is a companion to “What Makes a Sustainable School Project?” which she wrote for the School Building Committee website. To the editor: Traditional buildings use about 40 percent of the total fossil fuel energy in the U.S. Lincoln has an opportunity to build…
Letter to the editor: LSF supports options L3 and C
To the editor: The Lincoln School Foundation urges Lincoln residents to vote for L3 or C at the Special Town Meeting on June 9. The LSF has a 30-year history of funding innovation at the Lincoln Schools. In that time, we have awarded more than 500 grants worth well over a million dollars. Each grant…
Letter to the editor: option C offers the most benefits
To the editor: I’m voting for C on June 9th and I wanted to share my process of elimination of the other four options using SBC’s taxonomy: Minimum requirements (R and L1): R is essentially opening the hood and starts at $49 million, but doesn’t even address some basic utility issues. Similarly, L1 at $73 million…
Letter to the editor: do school repairs over a period of time
To the editor: The upcoming Town Meeting in June will be crowded, long and tense. And many will not/cannot be there. It may be democratic, but it will not be accessible to all. Why end a school campus that is beautiful, has provided excellent education (as I am sure most would agree) and exchange it…
Letter to the editor: invest in the future with option L3 or C
Letter to the editor: vote for school option L3
Editor’s note: This letter originally appeared in LincolnTalk in response to a comment about the environmental impact of demolition. To the editor: As you may or may not know, since last fall, a community of local architects has been meeting on an ad hoc basis and have regularly attended the SBC meetings and their public forums….
Letter to the editor: school option C is best for sustainability
To the editor, Mothers Out Front is a nonprofit organization with chapters around the United States committed to preserving a livable planet for future generations. Our Lincoln chapter has closely followed the School Building Committee process over the past year. We applaud the committee on their diligence in considering the educational goals for the project…
Letter to the editor: mulling Trump’s Nobel nomination
To the editor: Recently, a group of conservative Republican Trump supporters from the House of Representatives sent a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee nominating Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. Notwithstanding the fact that nothing substantial has been accomplished yet, the intrinsic role of the President in the recent North Korea peace initiative…
Letter to the editor: support new efforts on diversity and inclusion
To the editor: In the wake of the Boston Globe article on METCO’s experience in Lincoln-Sudbury, a group of parents met to talk about their racial experiences in Lincoln. Many were past members of the METCO Coordinating Committee (MCC), some were parents of Lincoln children of color, and some from First Parish. The group learned…