The February 27 story headlined “Leaf blower forum on Thursday” inaccurately said that the First Parish in Lincoln had endorsed a proposed bylaw placing limits on leaf blower use. The Leaf Blower Study Committee on Thursday clarified that, contrary to their statement at a February 25 Board of Selectman’s meeting, the church as a whole…
FinCom releases tax hike figures for school project
Once all the borrowing for the school project is done, Lincoln property owners will see a tax increase of 14.5% compared to fiscal 2019—significantly less than the 20% that some had feared. As announced on February 26, winning bidder Citibank offered an interest rate of 3.379% on the $80 million bond. The Finance Committee had…
Leaf blower forum on Thursday
Residents can make their feelings known about the proposed leaf blower bylaw ahead of Town Meeting at a public forum on Thursday, Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. in the Town Office Building. The Leaf Blower Study Committee (a subcommittee of the Conservation Commission) wants to limit the use of gas-powered leaf blowers because research has…
Background information on funding for the school project has been added to the February 26 story headlined “Town gets good news on school borrowing costs”: Voters in December approved borrowing a total of $88.5 million for the school project, which will cost a total of $93.9 million. The initial bond is for $80 million; the…
Town gets good news on school borrowing costs
Storm addendum
News acorns
Register to vote by Friday for Town Meeting, election Friday, March 1 is the last day to register to vote prior to the Lincoln Town Meeting on March 23 and the Lincoln town election on March 25. Click here to check your voter registration status. Click here to register online, or register in person at…
Wind storm causes power outages, road closures
It was a winter storm without the snow or a hurricane without the rain, but even without any precipitation, Monday’s wind storm to tear down plenty of trees and limbs in Lincoln. As of 5 p.m., Eversource reported that Lincoln had 347 customers without power due to more than 20 separate outages. In neighboring towns,…
Library books beckon readers with tantalizing outfits
Sometimes a book isn’t just a book — it’s a promising blind date or a ticket to a faraway land. Since Valentine’s Day, the Lincoln Public Library has been offering a selection of “mystery books” — not whodunits, but rather books concealed in wrapping paper with only a couple of clues to help you decide…