Cycling Safety Advisory Committee hosts coffee The Lincoln Cycling Safety Advisory Committee invites residents to a coffee and chat on Saturday, May 6 at Trail’s End at 10:45 a.m. to learn more about how we are trying to make the town’s roads safer for all. The event will feature a safety talk by Ian Spencer of the…
Letter to the editor: Town Meeting funding preserves a piece of Lincoln history
To the editor: The residents of Lincoln approved a Community Preservation grant at the 2017 Annual Town Meeting to restore an important Lincoln sampler to its finest glory and prepare it for public display at Town Offices, including framing it with museum-quality UV filtering glass or acrylic. This is truly a beautiful piece of art,…
Camuti convicted of killing Rakes and dumping body in Lincoln
William Camuti, 72, of Sudbury was convicted of first-degree murder today by a Middlesex Superior Court jury in connection with the 2013 death of Stephen Rakes, 59, of Quincy, whose body he dumped on Mill Street in Lincoln after poisoning him in 2013. The jury also found the defendant guilty of improper disposal of human remains…
Annual forum on school priorities on Thursday
The Lincoln School Committee and administration invite parents, faculty, and community members to provide input into developing the school district’s 2017-18 strategic priorities at the third annual Strategic Priorities Community Forum on Thursday, April 27 from 7–9 p.m. in the Hartwell Multipurpose Room. The meeting will feature an overview of of the school district vision and strategic…
LSF bee celebrates 10 years of spelling acumen
The Lincoln School Foundation (LSF) celebrated a decade of student spelling prowess and a new contest format at the annual town-wide spelling bee on April 2. In keeping with the LSF’s mission to bring innovative ideas into our schools, last year’s fifth-graders piloted a new style of spelling bee competition. Every team was given the same word…
Send us your March for Science photos!
Were you at the March for Science in Boston or Washington? If you have photos of yourself and/or other Lincolnites (please identify them in your email), send them to the Squirrel and we’ll publish them just as we did for the Women’s March in January. Pictures of good signs are also welcome. Send them to…
In an April 13 story about the formation of a new School Building Committee, the qualifications for potential board members was mischaracterized. The story should have said that the SBC is seeking four or five community members with experience in fields that are relevant to the committee’s work, such as architecture, planning or design, project management, or…
Wong’s contract extended at L-S
The Lincoln-Sudbury Regional School Committee unanimously approved an extension of Superintendent/Principal Bella Wong’s contract through June 30, 2020. “The School Committee is grateful for Bella’s many contributions to Lincoln-Sudbury over the four years in which she has served as Superintendent/Principal,” Elena Kleifges, chair of the committee, said in a press release. “Her compelling vision for…
News acorns
Trial begins for man accused of dumping body in Lincoln The Boston Globe published this April 6 article on the prosecution’s account of the last day of Stephen “Stippo” Rakes, whose body was discovered in Lincoln in 2013. April 5 was the opening day of the trial of William Camuti of Sudbury. Police say Camuti,…
Officials mingle at Pierce House dinner
Town officials gathered for the traditional post-Town Meeting dinner at the Pierce House on March 30. Soft lighting, spring flowers, music and good food greeted the group as they debriefed and socialized after the day-long Annual Town Meeting on March 27. This year’s dinner was the first for new Pierce House Event Manager Nancy Beach. (Click any photo…