By Alice Waugh Four town boards have unanimously recommended that residents authorize the town to apply again to the state for funding for a comprehensive school project. The Board of Selectmen and the Finance, School, and Capital Planning Committees unanimously voted earlier this week to recommend a “yes” vote on Article 28 at Town Meeting…
Letter to the editor: Special-ed may not ‘make the cut’ at future Minuteman
To the editor: At the Special Town Meeting, Minuteman high School’s Dr. Ed Bouquillon presented a slide I initially thought was disingenuous and absurd. The slide showed Minuteman’s costs decreasing while costs at other voc/tec schools are rising. I later realized it may have been the most insightful slide presented that night. We saw at the meeting…
Letter to the editor: Minuteman withdrawal ‘unfortunate’
To the editor: As a result of the recent vote at Special Town Meeting, it is unfortunate Lincoln is leaving the Minuteman High School district. A 260,000-square-foot total-replacement school facility will be built on Lincoln land, without Lincoln as a member town. While I am disappointed for Lincoln, I am thankful that students in remaining…
Minuteman school district down to 10 towns
By Alice Waugh Boxborough and Weston voted last week to withdraw from the Minuteman High School district, whittling the final number of member towns from 16 to 10. The other towns that voted to withdraw are Lincoln, which voted on February 23; Carlisle, Sudbury and Wayland. All 16 towns approved Minuteman’s revised regional agreement, which will take effect on…
Letter to the editor: Minuteman withdrawal ‘outrageously short-sighted’
(Editor’s note: Antia is Lincoln’s representative on the Minuteman School Committee.) To the editor: I want to thank the 200 or so people that took the time to come to the Special Town Meeting last Tuesday evening. This was a huge commitment and possibly an imposition, but know that is was appreciated. That does not…
Lincoln withdraws from Minuteman school district
Lincoln became the fourth town to withdraw from the Minuteman High School district with a vote capping two and a half hours of discussion at a Special Town Meeting Tuesday night.
More than 200 people filled Brooks auditorium and part of the lecture hall for the February 23 meeting, where residents were asked to vote on whether to withdraw from the district and whether to approve the district’s new regional agreement. The final vote on withdrawal was a voice vote with roughly two dozen residents voting nay.
Letter to the editor: Minuteman vote is not about building project or school quality
To the editor,
On February 23, our town will come together to discuss and vote on the future of career and technical (“vo-tech”) education in Lincoln. We will hear reports from the selectman-appointed Vocational Education Options Working Group (VEOWG) and Lincoln’s Minuteman High School School Committee Representative, Sharon Antia. Regular reports from Ms. Antia have appeared in the local press. The work of the VEOWG is available on the Lincoln town website.
Letter to the editor: FinCom supports Minuteman withdrawal
To the editor:
At Special Town Meeting on Tuesday night, Lincoln will reconsider the nature of our continued involvement in the Minuteman school district. The Finance Committee encourages voters of the town to attend the meeting and consider this important question.
Minuteman has served several generations of our students admirably, providing an excellent vocational education for six Lincoln students, on average, over the last decade. The question in front of the town is not about eliminating that educational opportunity but is instead about the costs and risks of remaining a member town in the school district that guarantees and governs Minuteman.
Residents learn about voc-tech options at forum
At least two area vocational high schools offer excellent academic and technical programs and could be a viable alternative for students if Lincoln withdraws from the Minuteman High School district, members of the Vocational Education Options Working Group (VEOWG) said at a public forum on Feb. 11.
Letter to the editor: Minuteman offers an ‘invaluable experience’
To the editor: I’m writing in support of Lincoln’s membership and involvement in Minuteman High School, including their plans for a new facility. My oldest daughter attended Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School for her freshman and sophomore years. During the end of that second year, we determined that L-S wasn’t an appropriate placement for her. It…