End your week with friends at a musical jazz lunch
August 1 at 12 p.m.
Celebrate the end of the week by grabbing a table at Bemis while the Lincoln Traditional Jazz Band serenades you with familiar good old tunes. Bring a bag lunch and, if you like, food purchased already prepared at the store to share. The COA provides beverages and dessert. The band will play on Thursday, Aug. 1 starting at noon.
You’ve been selected…
August 5 at 1 p.m.
To drop by and visit with a member of the Board of Selectmen. Bring your ideas, feedback, questions, or favorite Lincoln anecdote. Whether you stop by for a minute or an hour, the Selectmen hope to see you from 1–2 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 5.
Free beginning meditation
August 7 at 10 a.m.
Come to free beginners’ meditation sessions to be held August 7, 14, and 21 at 10 a.m. for a half-hour at Bemis Hall. Please join us if you’re wondering what others find in meditating. Meditation opens the channels of our natural states of peace, joy, health, and aids in decreasing the negative effects of aging. Experienced meditation teacher Lynne LaSpina will begin each session with a few minutes of stretching muscles to relax, and breathing exercise to help focus before meditating for about 10 minutes. Lynne will offer walking meditation for those who find it difficult to sit quietly for 10 minutes. For more information, call Lynne at 908-892-2408 or llas902551@aol.com.
Summer salad lunch and nutrition tips from The Commons
August 7 at 12 p.m.
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the bounty and nutrition of nature. Come to Bemis Hall on Wednesday, Aug. 7 at noon for a delicious lunch of summer salads specially prepared by the chef at The Commons in Lincoln. Taste familiar salads made in innovative ways as well as new salads to try for the first time! Sadie Daniels, a Registered Dietician at the Commons in Lincoln, will discuss summer produce and how to make salads as healthy as possible, as well as answer your general nutrition questions. Please sign up by Wednesday, July 31 by calling the COA at 781-259-8811.