Will we have six more weeks of winter or an early spring? Join us as Ms. G, Drumlin Farm’s resident groundhog, gives her forecast for the rest of the winter at Drumlin Farm’s Groundhog Day celebration on Saturday, February 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Activities include: Get the up-to-the-minute woodchuck weather forecast from Ms. G…
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State gives town two months on school building project
By Alice Waugh
State officials have given Lincoln another two months to decide how to proceed with the school building project, but they appeared to offer little wiggle room as far as allowing changes to their approved plan.
The town has until February 28, 2013 to “assess community support and examine how best to proceed,” said the December 14 letter to Superintendent of Schools Becky McFall from Mary Pichetti, director of capital planning for the Massachusetts School Building Authority. McFall and School Committee Chair Jennifer Glass wrote on November 15 to ask for an extension to try to keep the project alive after it failed to get a two-thirds majority at the November 3 Town Meeting.
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Sign up for winter fun with Lincoln Rec
Keep limber in winter with all sorts of activities, including ballroom dancing and yoga for adults, basketball and musical theater for kids, and skiing for everyone! Visit the Lincoln Recreation website for information or in-person registration Download the winter 2013 brochure Register for activities…
One month ago today…
Hurricane Sandy damaged plenty of Lincoln tress — many still at the height of their autumn colors. Accuweather.com offers some amazing statistics on Sandy: the second-lowest barometric pressure ever reorder for a hurricane (27.76 inches at sea), waves of 39.67 feet (recorded at a buoy about 20 miles east of Bermuda), and 9-foot storm surges…
How did Lincolnites vote?
Based on the unofficial Lincoln tally for the November 6 election, here’s a breakdown of voting percentages for Lincoln and, where applicable, the comparable state and U.S. results. Some of these totals don’t add up to 100 percent because of blank ballots and/or votes cast for candidates other than the Democrat or Republican. There were 3,670…
New and improved Lincoln Links!
Comment: resident curious about swap-table oil painting
School hoping to buy time for building project
By Alice Waugh
The School Committee has asked for more time from the state and more money from the town in hopes of salvaging almost $21 million in state aid promised for the school building project, which earlier this month failed to garner enough voter support to move forward.
School Committee chairman Jennifer Glass and Superintendent of School Becky McFall sent a letter on November 15 to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) to formally report on the failed town meeting vote on Nov. 3 and ask if the town could have more time to achieve resident buy-in before the state-funding window of opportunity closes. The MSBA had committed to providing $20.9 million of the $49 million that would be needed for major renovations and additions to the school if voters had approved the project by a two-thirds majority at town meeting and a simple majority at the polls on Election Day.
Glass and McFall asked the MSBA to give the town until the end of February 2013 to “determine whether we believe the project can garner sufficient support from he Town, and whether and to what extent revisions of the project will be necessary.”