Commuter rail riders in Lincoln and elsewhere and others will have until February 12 to offer feedback on the MBTA/MassDOT proposals for revised train schedules. The drafts were created in response to rider outcry in November over the MBTA’s planned elimination of rush-hour stops in Lincoln and other changes in the commuter rail schedule. The proposed Fitchburg line…
Door-to-door salesman? (Lincoln Through the Lens)
Readers may submit photos for consideration for Lincoln Through the Lens by emailing them to If your photo is published, you’ll receive credit in the Squirrel. Photos must be taken in Lincoln and include the date, location, and names of any people who are identifiable in the photo. Previously published photos can be…
Letter to the editor: concerns over leaf blower group activities
To the editor:
Last fall, the Leaf Blower Study Committee spent $829.81 of the taxpayers’ money to mail a flyer to every postal patron in Lincoln, describing the alleged risks of leaf blowers. The flyer said nothing of the benefits of leaf blowers or costs of restricting their use. The money was taken from the Selectmen’s printing budget and categorized as “educational.” Town taxpayers also paid to obtain an Internet domain name for the Leaf Blower Study Committee.
Treasured object has narrow escape but is reunited with owner
This is the story of an antique, a transfer station, and the people in a small town who helped reunite the antique with its owner just as it was about to be unwittingly tossed into a garbage truck. Sounds like it might have been a priceless family heirloom, but actually it was something a bit more utilitarian—the fender from an old utility trailer owned by Jeff Eaton.
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Talk on high-schoolers and satellite missions Can a high school design, build and operate a satellite mission to the moon and beyond? Come hear Paulo C. Lozano, Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Director at MIT’s Space Propulsion Laboratory, when he speaks at the Lincoln Public Library on Saturday, Jan. 16 at 2 p.m. Rethink space exploration and consider how…
Codman Farm has new farming family
Editor’s note: This is an edited version of an item that appeared in the most recent Codman Community Farms member newsletter.
The new year brings new faces and changes to Codman Community Farms (CCF) with the arrival of Peter Lowy and Jennifer Hashley as the farm management team at Codman.
For the past decade, Pete and Jen have operated Pete and Jen’s Backyard Birds in Concord and Sudbury, growing vegetables and raising pasture-based livestock. They’ve moved their mini-store to CCF, so visitors will notice a new look at the Codman Farm Store, including a selection of Backyard Birds products alongside Codman’s. Pete and Jen are committed to growing high-quality, tasty food for Lincoln and surrounding communities, so they’ll be expanding production, revamping the Farm Store, and supplying area restaurants and farm stands.
New Hanscom Middle School proceeding on schedule
Construction of the new Hanscom Middle School is on schedule and expected to be completed this spring. “Education has changed a lot since the old schools were built 60 years ago. This new space will allow us to teach with 21st-century methods,” said Erich Ledebuhr, Hanscom Middle School principal. “The setup of the building is…
For Birches School, education is in their nature
By Alice Waugh
Lincoln’s Birches School, which opened four years ago with just five students, made the cover of the winter 2016 issue of Independent School magazine and is poised to add a sixth grade for 2016-17.
News acorns
Group forms to study vocational education possibilities The newly formed Vocational Education Options Working Group will hold its second meeting on January 11 to explore options for Lincoln students in the event the town decides to withdraw from the Minuteman High School district. At its first meeting on December 29, the group discussed its change and…