The Lincoln Garden Club recently created and installed a new flower bed with over 400 plants native to Massachusetts at the town-owned Station Park where Lincoln Road meets Ridge Road. “This native plant bed is a great example of how we can apply more sustainable landscaping practices at our homes without giving up on beauty….
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Scarecrow-building reminder Build your own scarecrow at Stonegate Gardens on Saturday, Oct. 10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stonegate will donate all proceeds to the Lincoln PTO or the Birches School. Click here for details. Garden Club talk on native plants The Lincoln Garden Club created and installed a flowerbed with over 400 plants…
Keeping things sheep-shape (Lincoln Through the Lens)
This photo of Lincoln resident Ellen Raja on her farm was featured at #23 in September’s Photos of the Month gallery in the Boston Globe. Readers may submit photos for consideration for Lincoln Through the Lens by emailing them to If your photo is published, you’ll receive credit in the Squirrel. Photos must be taken in…
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Lincoln Family Association open meeting Wednesday evening On Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m. the Lincoln Family Association is hosting a wine and cheese social and open meeting for parents, to kick off its 20th season. Enjoy some snacks and refreshments, find out about upcoming events, and offers your ideas and suggestions. The LFA is actively looking for…
Lincoln from the air (Lincoln through the lens)
Lincoln resident and pilot Philip Greenspun recently offered free helicopter rides Lincoln to town residents, and several took to the air with him armed with their cameras. Turns out it’s not so easy to navigate Lincoln from above, since so many of the roads are concealed by trees—and a house that looks so prominent from the…
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Harvest feast at Drumlin Farm For the first time ever, Drumlin Farm will play host to their locally sourced Fall Harvest Feast on Sunday, Oct. 11 from 4:30-7 p.m. The event, arranged by Food and Farm Educator Emma Scudder, will feature the sustainable farm’s just-picked fall harvest and late summer yield preserves. “We wanted to create casual,…
Minuteman gets state funding for new school, now needs towns’ approval
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Open Studio art to be displayed in library During the month of October, artworks by members of Lincoln’s Open Studio group will be displayed and on sale at the Lincoln Public Library.The show features the group’s best work in recent years in a variety of styles. The group meets every Thursdays in Hartwell pod B…
Campus Master Plan Committee schedules forum
The Lincoln Campus Master Planning Committee (CMPC) invites all Lincoln residents as well as Lincoln School faculty and staff to attend its first public forum on Thursday, Oct. 15 from 7-9 p.m. in the Brooks Gym. The CMPC, which was jointly formed by the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee in June, is in the process of evaluating the…
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Lincoln Democratic Town Committee to meet At its next meeting on Saturday, Oct. 3 from 10 a.m. to noon in Bemis Hall, the Lincoln Democratic Town Committee will provide an overview of events and speakers at the recent state Democratic convention, and Lincoln resident John Terrell will discuss his pending 2016 Town Meeting resolution asking the…