To the editor: I totally agree with Eleanor Fitzgerald’s thoughts about the meager representation of North Lincoln on some of our boards. I don’t have “skin in the game” since I live in South Lincoln, but I have noticed over 40-plus years that the unwanted things tend to land in North Lincoln, which is already…
Letter to the editor: Marshall thanks voters
To the editor: I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the voters in Lincoln and Sudbury who supported my reelection to the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee for a third term. Thank you in particular to those who hosted and kept an eye on my campaign signs in their yard through the weeks of melting snow…
Letter to the editor: representation should be more proportional
(Editor’s note: This letter refers to Lincoln’s town election results.) To the editor: Precinct 2 includes Hanscom military base. Many at the base do not vote in local elections. There has not been a North Lincoln member of the Board of Selectmen for many years. Now there is no member of the Planning Board from North…
News acorns – 4/3/15
Bunny Bonanza at Pierce House this Saturday
All Lincoln School families are invited to hop on over to the Pierce House on Saturday, April 4 at 10 a.m. for the Lincoln Family Association‘s Bunny Bonanza. Welcome springtime with musicians, refreshments, and of course a massive egg hunt for all ages (please bring your own basket). Festivities begin promptly at 10 a.m. LFA members are free; non-members are $10 per child.
Meetings to discuss special education issues
Letter to the editor: electorate fractured on Planning Board
To the editor: The Lincoln election results are in and, for the most part, they are unsurprising. So few are the town-government positions ever the object of a competitive election that the practice of voting in Lincoln tends to be nothing more than an exercise in social engagement with neighbors. However, there was one rare…
April activities offered by the Council on Aging
Conversation with inventor Jim Nicholson
April 3 at 10:30 a.m.
Have you ever spent time in a hospital bed and they put those big white stockings that inflated and deflated around your legs every so often? Well, come and hear your neighbor Jim Nicholson, an MIT graduate inventor and holder of over 50 international patents, tell his story of how he created this life saving system which has saved probably tens of thousands lives from a deadly blood clot on Friday, April 3 at 10:30 a.m. Jim will be interviewed and videoed taped by Harold McAleer and there will be time for discussion after he tells you his story.
Choosing the right home contractor
April 3 at 1 p.m.
Whether you need ice dam removal, a renovation, or something else, learn to choose and work with the right contractor when Dan Walsh, Lincoln’s Building Commissioner, comes to Bemis Hall on Friday, April 3 at 1 p.m. He’ll explain about the process for getting good estimates, determining a contractor’s credentials and insurance, criteria for choosing a contractor, legal requirements for contracts and permits, inspecting the work when completed, and what to do if you have a problem.
News acorns – 4/1/15
Holy Week activities at St. Joseph’s/St. Julia’s A recent listing of Holy Week activities at Lincoln churches inadvertently omitted St. Joseph’s Church services, which are as follows: April 2 (Holy Thursday) – Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7:30 p.m., St. Julia Church in Weston (whole-parish liturgy) April 3 (Good Friday) Stations of the Cross: 2 p.m. at St. Julia…
Leaf blower regulations tabled at Town Meeting
After months of hearings and public debate about whether to restrict the use of leaf-blowers in Lincoln, a motion to approve new regulations was passed over at Town Meeting at the request of the Leaf Blower Study Committee, which decided in light of feedback that “this was not the time to propose regulations,” LBSC chair Jamie Banks told the audience.
In yesterday’s Lincoln Squirrel article about the results of the Planning Board race, the results for Lincoln’s two voting precincts were incorrect, though the final tally (481 votes for Taylor and 441 votes for Domnitz) was accurate. The original story has been corrected. The correct results are below. Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Total Domnitz 240 201 441 Taylor…
Taylor squeaks by Domnitz in Planning Board race
(Editor’s note: This article has been updated to reflect a correction on April 1.) Challenger Gary Taylor took over the Planning Board seat occupied by incumbent Robert Domnitz by a vote of 481-441 in Monday’s town election, according to unofficial results. In Precinct 1 in the southwestern section of town, Taylor won by a margin of 345-240. In…