Editor’s note: This letter was sent to the editor but is addressed to the Lincoln community. Dear Lincoln Community, I write to announce my candidacy for re-election to the Lincoln School Committee, and to respectfully ask for your support at the polls on Monday, March 31. Creating a successful educational environment requires the ability to…
Cool stuff coming up in Lincoln
Events in the next few days in Lincoln include a trip down memory lane with several former Lincoln police chiefs, a town candidate forum, and Drumlin Farm’s annual Sap-to-Syrup breakfast. On Friday, March 14, the Lincoln Council on Aging will screen “50 Years of Public Safety” starting at 1 p.m. in Bemis Hall. The 2004…
Two letters to the editor in support of Braun
To the Editor: I am pleased to support Peter Braun for reelection as Selectman. I have known Peter for close to 30 years, as parents on various sport sidelines, as co-members of a number of committees including the Community Preservation Committee, and as a good friend. As a Selectman for the past three years, he…
Letter to the editor: Route 2 project
Jet Aviation proposal to be voted on Wednesday
The Conservation Commission expects to vote Wednesday on Jet Aviation’s application to expand into a wetlands buffer zone at Hanscom Field. The group meets on Wednesday, March 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Hartwell multipurpose room.
News acorns
New “spring greens” CSA offered by The Food Project To get a jump-start on the growing and distribution season, The Food Project has launched a brand new “Spring Greens” community-supported agriculture (CSA) share. For $200, you get five weeks of cooking and salad greens (4 pounds a week on average) grown in our high tunnel greenhouses…
Candidates issue statements for Lincoln voters
Below are some statements issued over the past few weeks by candidates for town office at the election on March 31. If you are on the ballot and would like to submit a statement to the Lincoln Squirrel, please email lincolnsquirrelnews@gmail.com. Coming soon: articles on the two candidates for Board of Selectman.
Farm shares shares now on sale
Letter to the editor: Support Peter Braun
Ballot corrections and additions
There were several errors in the election ballot published in the Lincoln Squirrel on March 3: There are now two candidates for two seats on the Bemis Trustees, Melinda Abraham and Stephen Atlas. Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee candidate Michael Walsh and Planning Board candidate Gary Taylor have withdrawn and will not appear on the ballot. The middle name of Commissioner of…