Property tax forum on Tuesday The Property Tax Study Committee will hold its second public forum on Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 7–8:30 p.m. in Town Hall. The group was formed in reaction to concerns about the large tax increase required for the $93 million school project. At its first forum in June, the group presented…
Police log
October 4 60 Baker Bridge Rd. (3:58 p.m.) Report of a tree on wires. 34 Laurel Drive (4:11 p.m.) Wellbeing check requested for a resident; everything was fine with the individual. 145 Lincoln Rd. (4:48 p.m.) Parking complaint in the resident lot. Violators ticketed. Lincoln Road (5:34 p.m.) Reports of a person walking along the…
Applications open for Oriole Landing affordable units
A January lottery date for affordable units in the 60-unit Oriole Landing development under construction in Lincoln has been announced, with applications due on December 11. Oriole Landing, a 60-unit rental development under construction in Lincoln, will have 15 units reserved for those earning a maximum of 80% of the area median income, and 70%…
Ceremony marks launch of EV charging stations at Drumlin Farm
Visitors and staff at Mass Audubon’s Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary can now power their electric cars with two new electric vehicle charging stations, allowing for eco-friendly visits to the popular working farm and nature center. Each of the two EVC stations is capable of charging two cars. One station was donated by the nonprofit PowerOptions,…
News acorns
Film: “The River and the Wall” There will be a free screening of the documentary “The River and the Wall” on Friday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. in Bemis Hall. Filmmaker Ben Masters and colleagues traveled 1,200 miles along the U.S.-Mexico border via horse, mountain bike, and canoe. Sponsored by the Lincoln Democratic Town Committee….
Oct. 9 service for Ted Rhoades, 1926–2019
Police log
September 27 Bypass Road (12:30 p.m.) Three-car motor vehicle crash; one person transported to the Emerson Hospital. 83 Page Rd. (11:08 p.m.) Resident had a civil matter with parties renting the property. Officers spoke with the resident to assist. September 28 37 Lincoln Rd. (6:08 a.m.) Resident reported a raccoon came into their house and…
Boys from two continents join to build birdhouses for charity
On a recent Saturday night, the Lincoln Boy Scouts helped South Sudanese boys construct dozens of bird houses to help fund the ongoing operations of the Lincoln-based South Sudanese Enrichment for Families (SSEF). Bemis Hall was buzzing with energy as Scouts and members of the Sudanese community and Boy Scouts worked side by side assembling…
Ceremony marks official opening of new Hanscom Primary School
(Editor’s note: This is an edited version of an article by Mark Wyatt, 66th Air Base Group Public Affairs, that was posted on the Hanscom Air Force Base website. It is republished here by permission.) Officials held a ribbon-cutting ceremony this week to mark the completion of the $37 million, 80,000-square-foot multistory Hanscom Primary School….
Council on Aging activities in October
Celebrate nature in a watercolor class with Jane
October 4 at 9 a.m.
Rediscover your joyful soul through art and nature in Jane Cooper’s watercolor class. Enjoy painting scenes of nature, landscapes or some favorite sky. Two classes of four sessions each will be offered on Fridays and Mondays beginning Fridays, Oct. 4 and 21 from 9–11 a.m. The cost is $30 for each class of four sessions, materials included. Call the COA at 781-259-8811 to sign up.
Musical jazz lunch
October 4 at 12 p.m.
Celebrate fall by grabbing a table at Bemis while the Lincoln Traditional Jazz Band serenades you with good old tunes. Bring old friends. Make new ones. Bring a bag lunch and, if you like, food purchased already prepared at the store to share. The COA provides beverages and dessert. The band will play on Friday, Oct. 4 starting at noon.
Lincoln Academy with John Getsinge — Evolution of Science, Episode 2: Tom Swift and the Quantum Annihilator
October 7 at 12:30 p.m.
Come to Bemis Hall on Monday, Oct. 7 at 12:30 p.m. when John Getsinger discusses “Evolution of Science, Episode 2. Tom Swift and the Quantum Annihilator.” From the publication of quantum math, matrix, and wave in 1928 to the invention of the digital computer, artificial intelligence, atomic fission, quantum annihilation, Tom swiftly foresees electronics technology, intelligent military robots, atomic bombs and… universal nonexistence. What can Tom Swift do to counter the existential threat to all humanity posed by the possibility of the Quantum Annihilator? Tune in for the thrilling sequel. The COA provides beverages and dessert. The lectures last about an hour, including a question and answer period. Participants are welcome to stay after the program to continue their discussion. All ages welcome.
Learn and play mah jongg
October 7 at 1 p.m.
Have you always wanted to learn mah jongg? Are you a new or former player looking to improve your skills? Are you an experienced player looking for a friendly game? Come to Bemis Hall each Monday from 1–4 p.m. for mah jongg lessons for those who would like to learn as well as a drop-in game for those who know how to play. Mah jongg is an exciting tile game which offers many of the same cognitive benefits as chess and bridge. Bring your own card or we will provide one for $9. For information or to register for lessons or a game, contact Joan Ingersoll at or 781-259-8811.