A trio of owner-operators have signed a lease for the former Lincoln Kitchen/AKA Bistro restaurant site, with an opening planned for the first quarter of 2019. Lindsey Parker of Concord, one of the co-owners, declined to reveal what the new team is planning to name the new eatery but said it would serve dinner seven days…
Hearing focuses on marijuana businesses in town
The Planning Board will be conducting a public hearing on Tuesday, Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. at Town Offices for the purpose of reviewing two marijuana-related bylaw proposals that will be voted on during a Special Town Meeting on October 20. The first of the two bylaws proposes to extend the existing recreational marijuana moratorium…
News acorns
Visual and audio exhibits focus on South Sudan refugees
Two exhibits of original art created by refugees from South Sudan together with audio segments are on display in Lincoln, and there will be receptions for both on Thursday, Sept. 13. At Bemis Hall is “Metamorphosis: From South Sudan to Lincoln and Beyond”—photographs and audio of the three “Lost Boys” who were resettled in Lincoln…
Architects show latest school plans
Residents at two workshops on Wednesday saw the latest drawings of the Lincoln School project showing what SMMA principal architect architect Alex Pitkin called “reinvention of the heart of the building” as well as campus circulation and construction phasing. The middle of the refurbished building includes a central office area and entrance with an “airlock”…
News acorns
Palestinian storyteller at library Fidaa Ataya, a traditional Palestinian storyteller, puppeteer, drama-in-education specialist and actress, will tell stories for children age 3-9 at the Lincoln Public Library on Saturday, Sept. 8 at 1 p.m. Drop in. Sponsored by GRALTA. Springsteen ticket auction to benefit Codman Farm Codman Community Farms is holding a benefit silent auction…
Primary results for Lincoln
In the September 4 primary for Massachusetts governor, Lincoln opted for Democrat Jay Gonzalez by a margin of 71% to 29% and Republican incumbent Charlie Baker, 78% to 22%, in the only category where both parties had a contested primary. The tables below show Lincoln’s results for the contested races for each party (write-in and…
School Building Committee workshops on Wednesday
The School Building Committee will hold a pair of identical community workshops on Wednesday, Sept. 5 from 8–10 a.m. and 7–9 p.m. in Reed Gym to recap its work over the summer since the Special Town Meeting vote on June 9. Topics will include: Floor plans – Where are the grades located? How are the hubs…
Letter to the editor: kudos for stormwater specialist
To the editor: Did you see the August 15 letter to the editor from Amanda Smith? She is the Lincoln stormwater specialist. And if you’re like me, and didn’t know that Lincoln had a stormwater specialist, or even what a stormwater specialist is, I encourage you to read Amanda’s very informative, very friendly description of…