Harold McAleer has been busy photographing a variety of animals and birds near his Lincoln home this summer. (Click on any thumbnail to see larger versions and navigate the collection.) [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”100″ gal_title=”Animals”]…
September activities at the Council on Aging
Extra hours for absentee voting this week
News acorns
Library kicks off several fall series Lincoln Library Film Society The first film this fall shown by the Lincoln Library Film Society will be Sami Blood (2016, in Swedish with English subtitles) on Thursday, Sept. 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the Tarbell Room. A reindeer-breeding Sámi girl who is exposed to the racism of the…
Letter to the editor: support Patalano for Middlesex DA
To the editor: Last year, a friend suggested we stream a movie on Netflix by Ava DuVernay called 13th. The movie title refers to the 13th amendment, which forbids involuntary servitude—thus ending slavery—except as a punishment for crimes. DuVernay’s documentary forcefully demonstrates the perpetuation of slavery since the Civil War through the criminalizing of behavior…
Property sales in July
9 Stratford Way — Neil H. Aronson trust to Demetri and Marie Pascale Sideras for $1,870,000 (July 31) 270 Lincoln Rd. — Andre Coleman to Pierre-Guy Douyon and Celine Yang for $750,000 (July 30) 9 Birchwood Lane — Roger Stoddard to John and Catherine Crabtree for $630,000 (July 20) 243 Aspen Circle — Robert H….
Letter to the editor: in search of storm drains
Register by Aug. 15 for state primary; absentee ballots available
To be able to vote in the Massachusetts state primary on Tuesday, Sept. 4, residents must be registered to vote by Wednesday, Aug. 15. Click here to register online, or register in person at the Town Clerk’s Office during regular summer business hours (Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m.–5 p.m.) Absentee ballots for the September 4 primary…
A tale of two fields (Lincoln Through the Lens)
School Building Committee adds Aug. 15 session
The School Building Committee (SBC) has added a meeting to tis summer schedule on Wednesday, Aug. 15 at 7 p.m. in the Hartwell multipurpose room. Topics for the next several meetings: August 15 Mechanical systems: update and discussion Energy model: presentation and discussion Photovoltaic plan: presentation and discussion August 22 Review site plan Review floor plans Review updated exterior…