It’s been almost a week since the Lincoln Squirrel became a paid subscriber site, and I want to give a huge thank-you all of you who have been willing to support the Squirrel and have patiently navigated the subscription process. You might be interested to know the numbers: as of Thursday afternoon, there are 80 paid subscribers, compared to a total of about 580 free subscribers before the changeover. I’m hoping many of those 500 will sign up soon so they can read every Squirrel article in its entirety—please get in touch with me if you have any questions.
My developer has been working hard on fixing the inevitable glitches that crop up and making other improvements to the site as a whole. I’ve been helping rout with phone and in-person support, so please don’t hesitate to point out things that are unclear or simply ask for help. Just drop me an email at Thanks again!
Alice Waugh
Editor, The Lincoln Squirrel
781-259-0526 (h) ~ 617-710-5542 (m)